"Will, you've gotta be joking. I mean come on, he wasn't being serious! He was just complaining to complain." Mike tried to reason.

"Whatever." Will pushed Mike's legs off, and got up.

"Ok when you say whatever, that means you're still mad. I don't want you to be mad." Mike got up and followed him.

"I'm not. I'm just getting my homework."


"You wanna help me draw what's most important to me for my art class?" He interrupted him.

Mike rolled his eyes in return. "Can we do that after you cuddle me?"

"Well, I wanted to start on my homework and stuff now cause I think I might go out later?" Will said in a question.

"Go out where?" Mike sat at Will's desk and turned the chair to face Will.

"Alex and Lisa want me to go with them back to the place we went last week."

"Just the three of you?" Mike questioned.

"Mhm. I think it'll be fun." Will suggested.

"I don't. Last time, you got drunk and Alex kept trying to get you to drink even more. It's not a good idea, baby."

"But Mike, I never get to hang out with anyone other than you. Have you ever thought about that? Like- when's the last time I did something with friends?"

"I don't know? You act like I stopped you from hanging out with Max before we left."

"That's not what I mean. It's like anytime I wanna do anything, you find a way to make me stay with you Mike."

"No I don't! You always convince YOURSELF to not go anywhere. Will, what is with this? Every time we have a decent moment together, it turns into an argument. I just wanted to spend some time with you, and it's gotta be a fight."

"Why are you acting like I'm pulling this out of my ass? There's a reason for this Mike. When you act all controlling, which you tend to do sometimes, I want to say something. Don't fucking do that. Don't make me out to be unreasonable and crazy."

"But why do you pick the worst times to say something? You're happy and touchy one minute, and the next you're yelling at me and telling me everything you hate about me. How do you think it makes me feel?" Mike deviated from his usual screaming voice, and tried to speak calmly. "I can't do anything right with you, can I? Because every time I feel like we're having a good moment together, and I'm making you happy, you're upset with me again."

Will bit his lip and started to shake his head. "Stop it Mike. Stop talking down to me like that." His voice started to shake.

"Baby I'm not trying to speak down to you." He told him cautiously.

Shit- maybe he was.


Mike was so confused as to where that outburst came from. Why was Will so upset? What happened to him within the last 5 minutes?

"Will, what's wrong? Why are you yelling?" Mike tried to get closer.

"You're treating me like I'm insane!"

"Will, I never said that!" Mike was starting to think that this was all just some intense mood swing. He was acting really, really weird and there was no other way to explain it. But Mike had to admit, they haven't been doing anything to help Will's mental health, considering he was diagnosed with bpd a while ago.

"You basically did!"

"Will! Hey, do you remember what your therapist said about handling mood swings? You have to remember that you're in control right?"

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