Emeralds in the Rough

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There was one day that Aldera's third year class did not make fun of Midoriya Izuku.

The last day of their school festival.

For that year's school festival, they did the classic maid cafe. Don't underestimate them, there were a decent amount of great cooks and bakers in the class. They decided to make their last year the best school festival they've ever had and the food, maids, and butlers will make them the best. That included winning first place in the best class award and winning the beauty contest.

They all managed to rouse Bakugou's competitive spirit and that gave them an edge for the cooking side of their cafe. As for the quirkless loser, Deku, he was tasked to clean. He couldn't cook or bake and he was too plain looking to attract customers. The only thing he could do well was clean. Besides, no one wanted to do it, so why not pin it on the most useless person in the whole school?

For the month that they prepared for the festival, almost everything went well. There were a few obstacles to the menu of their cafe. They needed their menu to be balanced. Savory, spicy, light, strong, seafood, chicken, beef, five-star, instant, etc. for the cooked food while the desserts had to have variety as well. It needed to be a low budget buffet like menu that could satisfy everyone.

Then they had a minor girl's fight where they fought for who was the prettiest and should be entered in the beauty contest. It was plain ugly. It took them a few days to get over it, but it ended up being okay when they were shown their maid outfits. There was also a small problem when not a lot of boys wanted to be butlers, but they learned to shut up, avoiding the girls' wrath.

In the end, it all worked out and things went smoothly. Their class gained a lot of customers and they all loved the food and the maids and the butlers. Everything was great!

Until the last day.

The student who was picked for the beauty contest, also one of the maids, suddenly got sick. None of the girls could fill in because most of the girls were already maids and the last girl was a baker. As a last ditch attempt, the girls proposed, "One of you boys has to fill in for Setsuna!"

It goes as well as you could imagine-

"No way in hell am I doing that!"

"Forget it."

"Who do you think I am?!"

-virtually not well at all. Every boy refused the proposal out right. Dressing up as a girl? No way! Their fragile little masculinities would forever be broken and cracked if they ever did that. The girls had no choice but to plead to them. Being the best class and winning the contest were on the line. The heartless bastards still said no. Again, keep in mind their fragile masculinity. So the class president, also a girl, did the only thing she could think of, grabbed Midoriya, and forced him to become a replacement for the maid.

"Eh?" Midoriya voiced out in surprise as he was dragged out of the classroom. "EHHHHHHHH?!"

It was fine. Everything will be fine. They didn't need a replacement for the beauty contest since they picked another girl to do it, but they couldn't afford to lose a maid. She had no choice but to choose the greenette. He was roughly the same height as the girl and his physic fit Setsuna's the most. He's also nice and won't bitch if they put makeup on him. Things will be fine. All the girls thought. They whipped out their equipment and started working their magic.

All the boys sighed in relief.

Their fragile masculinities still intact and protected.

It would be one of the only times they were thankful that he was there.

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