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"You use Invisibility Potion," Malfoy slammed his hands on the table in front of me first thing in the morning.

"Yet again, you are wrong, Malfoy," I sighed tiredly at the torment I have been receiving for the past 2 days.

Malfoy wouldn't leave me alone about how I disappeared into nothingness. When I said I wanted entertainment, I didn't mean daily morning slams on the table stating the secret behind my genius disappearance. He quite literally, wouldn't leave me alone and wouldn't back down either. What was up with this guy? I thought he'd be over it in less than an hour.

"How am I wrong, though?" Malfoy looked at me with a skeptical facial expression as if he knew I was lying.

"Bold of you to assume I'd waste my precious time on a potion that takes months to make," I stated nonchalantly opening our charms textbook, "And I'd advise you to leave the matter alone, we have a Charms test today, and failing it would be fateful. Concentrate on that instead." 

"Like I give a single damn about some Charms test," Malfoy rolled his eyes sliding into the seat in front of me.

I didn't pay any mind to it, however. I just flipped through the pages of the textbook making sure I have every charm memorized along with its qualities. Soon after, I felt an intense glare in my direction from right in front of me.

"Why are you staring?" I asked irritated not lifting my eyes from the book.

"You studying is quite a calming sight," Malfoy replied casually not averting his gaze from me. 

It was getting quite annoying. Well, that would be half of the truth of what was going through my head. On one hand, I wanted him away from me, but on the other hand, secretly wished for him to stay and stare at me studying forever. His presence has a unique charm to it which I find very calming and, in a sense, reassuring. 

"Y/N," Malfoy said with a whisper, "Y/N."

"Hm?" I asked looking slowly up to see what this idiot needed this time.

"Is it Reducio?" Malfoy asked his eyebrows skyrocketing at his idea.

"Is it Reducio what? You mean the definition?" I asked knitting my eyebrows together.

"No, I mean, do you use it on yourself to shrink or something?" 

"What made you think I'd do something as stupid as that?" I asked with a chuckle closing my book.

"Well, you certainly are good at Charms," Malfoy replied with impatience in his tone, "So, am I right?"

"Of course not," I exclaimed, "You drive me mad, you know that, right?"

"Not like you don't do the same, weirdo," Malfoy rolled his eyes with a small laugh escaping his lips.


It was already past the curfew and I was now heading to the library as per usual. The first quarter of the semester was coming to an end, so the whole week was overloaded with assignments and tests that made up a big percentage of our grades. To say I was stressed and burnt out was an understatement. All the time I had to worry about a test that we had to write the next day or an essay that had to be handed in before 7 pm. Much like usual, tomorrow was the summary test for Potions.

As I got close to the front door of the library, I noticed dim light emitting from under the door. For some reason, I knew it would be safe to enter as I also knew for a fact that a certain fellow Slytherin would be there too. For some reason, I knew I could enter the library without getting busted for wandering around the castle at late hours. 

And so, I opened the door, "Fancy seeing you here L/N."

"The feeling's not mutual," I scoffed at the blonde boy sitting across the room with his feet up on the table with a smug smirk plastered on his face, "What are you up to this fine evening?" 

"I was awaiting you actually," Malfoy's smirk got wider as he placed his legs down back on the floor and stood up, "Don't worry though, I am no snitch of sorts." 

"How very noble of you, Malfoy," I rolled my eyes heading to the direction he was in, "Figure out my secret yet?"

"I thought you wanted the matter to be left alone?" Malfoy looked me up and down with a raised eyebrow. 

I hummed in response being too lazy to form a sentence. I placed my book bag on the table and started taking out all the necessary documents and papers I needed to prepare for the Potions test. I took a seat and lit the candle placed on the wooden table with one swift movement of my wand. As I set my pen to write down the Fortune Potion's ingredients, I heard Malfoy's footsteps approaching and stopping right next to me. 

"Mind if I sit?" I heard him whisper to which I nodded, "Great."

"Potions, huh," Malfoy took one of the papers I wrote down the ingredients for other potions for earlier that day, "I thought you were one of the smart ones." 

"Sorry to disappoint, Draco, but yours truly finds it necessary to study for any test whether or not you are good at it," I sighed placing my hand under my chin tiredly," I'd give anything for a good night's sleep. I am so tired of this week." 

Malfoy simply acknowledged what I said and flipped through another thick batch of parchment, "Your handwriting is neat." 

"Never thought I'd hear a compliment escape your lips," I chuckled to myself turning my head to face him. 

"No, like actually," Malfoy looked from the batch of parchment to look at me, "I quite like it." 

"Take a picture; will last longer," I replied secretly hoping he'd do the latter. 

Malfoy, like usual didn't pay any attention to the small remark I made and simply looked back to the batch of parchment he found somehow intriguing. For a few minutes, however, we shared a moment of the most comfortable silence. Never in a million years would I imagine myself being this comfortable studying while Draco Malfoy admired my handwriting. It was surreal and I liked it a lot. 

"Say, when do you plan on coming back to the common room?" Malfoy looked back at me hopeful I'd respond with a time of fewer than 30 minutes. 

"Well, this might take up to an hour to finish," I sighed collecting the papers together and putting them back into the book bag, "Well, actually one and a half hours might be more realistic. I need to find a book first."

I stood up from my seat and held up my wand, "Wish to join me?" 

"Sorry to disappoint, Y/N," Malfoy responded putting the batch down on the table standing up, "But I am dying to sleep."

That surely was disappointing to hear. 

"Whatever suits your taste, Malfoy," I replied coldly turning around.

"Draco," I heard his voice. 

"Hm?" I asked tiredly and looked around to face the blonde. 

"Call me Draco, will you?" Malfoy looked down at me with a soft smile on his lips.

"As you wish," I felt a small smile tug at my lips as well. 

Draco, huh? As in dragon.


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