music rooms or confessionals

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And she shoved her bag on an empty desk in frustration, before rolling up her sleeves.

"That's not what I meant , and you're constantly not listening to anything I try to say. You're literally just twisting it to suit you!" She unleashed on him and took a breath. Yeah , that felt good.

"Listen ? All I've heard were your lies and I fell for them hook line and sinker ! I gave you everything there was of me to give and you stomped all over it. And now I must watch you parade that Outerbanks wannabee . You're still asking me to listen? What more do you want from me ? Haven't you made me miserable enough? Stop ! Just stop ! I can't take any more " His voice cracked at the word miserable and she felt her throat lock. He made to storm out of the room and she grabbed his arm and pushed him back to his spot at the windowa before going off.

"I haven't ever lied to you ! I always told you I will never give up on that case and will find who put Leyla in a wheelchair and who framed you ! I always told you that ! And don't you dare talk about me parading Ates when you have Leyla and Melisa plastered all over you!" Her voice raised several octaves too high

Between their screaming- they somehow started gravitating towards each other. He was no longer at the window and she wasn't as close to the door as she was when this started.

Apparently that was the wrong to say - he looked murderous.

"Leyla ! Leyla ! Leyla ! Why are you always crying over her? She's so over you and literally stabbed you in the back yet you're still whining about Leyla. Enough, Ekim!"

She took a step back in shock. She couldn't believe he said that. Woah. She knew he could hurt her - but that stung.

She swallowed hard , and her breath nearly gurgled in her throat.

"Right , I shouldn't say anything about Leyla infront of you from now . You won't be able to take that. Afterall , your so called love or hate or whatever you call it for me is so great that you went out with my childhood friend - 2 days after breaking up with me. Real classy , Kanat ." She practically spat out his name.

And he smirked.

"Did you see the selfie?"

Gosh , he was going to turn her violent.

"Don't be shy Ekim, tell me. Did you see the selfie? " He prodded , his voice taking on a soft almost menacing edge. He was slowly stalking towards her again.

"Hmm" She hummed out in annoyance

"I'm sorry , I didn't catch that " he said , this time even softer. And she flipped

"Yes ! I saw your stupid selfie of your fantastic date, happy now ?" She let out in a single breath.

He was standing over her now, whilst she leaned against the desk her bag was on. He was too close for comfort, she didn't need him standing so close when all he wanted to do was hurt her.

His hand came up to twirl the same lock of hair he always did , fingers brushing her jaw before he whispered .

"Ecstatic . See , was that so difficult? I just knew you'd see it . Whoever knew my kahramin kiz fed off the green monster ." His tone was taunting when he said 'my' and she shoved him hard in the chest , breaking any contact between them.

He hit the drums behind him hard with an audible oof and he rolled his eyes. She wanted to slap the smirk straight off his smug face. Gosh... he wanted her suffering and clawing at her insides out of jealousy.

"It wasn't even a date. It was a thank you. Ozan and Melisa were there too." He muttered shaking his head at her.

Nothing good ever came from Ozan and Melisa's presence but for the first time , she actually felt relief at their names. Wait what ? Thank you?

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