Life Support

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I've been sleeping with the lights on
Cause the darkness is surrounding you
This is my world, this is my choice
And you're the drug that gets me through
Every night I see you slip out onto the balcony. Every night I hear sobs escape your lips. Every night I hear your tresses billowing in the frigid night's draft. Every night I taste my own vinegary tears, the product of your agony. Every night I huddle you close, absorbing the warmth you still possess. The sorrowful sound of the light leaving your pure soul brings bitter tears to my eyes. I'd never want to see you unhappy, I thought you'd want the same for me. Why must you leave? Why must you break my heart? I know it's not your choice, I know that you are wounded by the worlds white-hot daggers. But I will be doomed to live, without a reason.
I've been waiting for an answer
Because I built this bed for two
I've been hanging on your answer
I built this bed for me and you
I'm sick of waking up in darkness, without you to hold onto. I know you are in pain, I know you are distressed. But I want you to try, try to stay. I cannot live without your life support.
Can't you see that I am yours?
So will you be my life support?
I've been sleeping with the lights on
Cause the darkness is surrounding you
But I will watch you sail away. I will watch you slip from my grasp. I will watch you dissolve from the world. But your worries will be lifted like fog.
I saw the light fade from the sky, as you sailed away to eternal happiness, while I was given up to a life of eternal heartache. No matter what, I will always be yours. And you will always be my Life Support...
Hello guys! I wrote this SUPER fast and I'm not totally satisfied with the outcome. Never the less, let me know what you think and I will see you next time, my little gumdrops!!!
P.S I was thinking of MAYBE writing a collection of Thranduil One Shots? Is that a good idea or nah??

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2015 ⏰

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