"Thank you Sunbaenim, that a huge help. Thank you so much for thinking of our safety." Ara bowed.

"It's my responsibility." Neptune smiled before turning to look at Ash, Deep and Jenna.

"You guys injured those criminals quite some. The police wanted answers, thank god we had a cctv showing that it was for defence, otherwise you'll make into the headlines with that as well." Neptune shook her head, letting out a small laugh, "but you did good. One got a permanent broken nose....you really are taekwondo trained huh?" She asked Deep who shyed away, hiding behind Ash's shoulder.

"SM and HYBE entertainment were a bit angry but the boys took the blame on themselves." Neptune nodded, giving the girls a look.

"That's all for now. Stay safe, we have a lot of things for you." Neptune said before leaving the meeting room.



"You good sis?" Yeonjun laughed leaning on the door frame of the dorm room, watching Whannie who gave him a glare before sipping on the soup offered by Diana who wouldn't let her eat on her own.

"Eonnie, i can do it myself." She mumbled.

"No. Your hands are all puffed up because of all the saline pins and stuff. How dare they just pull it out like that do hard. And act surprised when it started bleeding!" Diana rambled before blowing on the spoonful of soup and putting it forward again for Whannie to drink.

Yeonjun laughed but yelped as he felt a shove. He turned around to find Soobin pushing him to enter the room.

"Not even a day till i came back home and you lot already want to make wanna go back- i mean Them! No offense Eonnie." Whannie said lowly,  changing her words at the look she recieved from Diana.

"I'm taking back the chocolates." Soobin said turning around.

"Ok." Whannie said, glancing at the bedside table full of gifts, well wishes and chocolates. "Peasants come and go."

Soobin pouted, keeping the chocolate on the same table before ruffling the youngest's hair.

"Jenna! Give Koko her vitamins if she finished eating!" Diana yelled out recieving an, "Alright, captain!" From the said girl causing the oldest in the room chuckle.

"You seriously did that?" Heuning Kai asked Deep, having heard the story of her beating the sasaengs up from Whannie when he sat in her room.

"For the last time Heuning, yes." Deep sighed.
"Leave the poor girl alone Kamal." Jenna said, hands on her hip as she came out of the kitchen.

"Koko Eonnie, vitamins." She said. Kotone looked up from whatever Beomgyu was showing her, "yeah right. Send me screenshots Choi, this is very interesting." She told the boy seriously.

"For the last time Jenna, don't use my middle name against me." Kai said, narrowing his eyes at the girl. Jenna just mimicked him, picking up the plates from the coffee table and walking back into the kitchen.

"I am your senior you know!" He huffed, sulking. Taehyun chuckled, standing up and heading to the kitchen as well.

"Yeonjun hyung said you literally broke his nose. Teach me your ways queen." Kai said, holding onto Deep's hand suddenly, forgetting all kinds of arguments he was about to start with Jenna. The girl gave him a look, caught off-guard. Kai laughed, ruffling her hair before heading towards their shared dorm room where whannie was staying. Deep just sat their, staring at the wall, "It's teenage hormones. It's just teenage hormones." She shook her head.

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