Chapter 1

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"(Y/N), wake up!" Gasping as someone screamed at you, your eyes looked around the plane in a panic.

Earning chuckles from your teammates as Ryan sat back down by you. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you glared at him. You should have known he was going to do that. Out of the three of them, he's the one you don't like. At one time he'll want to overly joke, then the next he's being bossy. Even Mary and Jake have admitted to you that they don't care for him. He was put on the team by your boss though, so you can't really do anything about it.

Stretching in your seat, you sighed as your muscles loosened up. You know you fell asleep nearly an hour after the plane took off, but you're not sure how long you slept. Glancing around the small plane, you tried to keep the smirk off your face when you saw Jake leave his seat by Macy. Moving towards the front of the plane. Now's your chance to actually enjoy what's left of this plane ride.

"Ryan, can you move?" You asked, earning a scoff from him as he moved to block your way more.

"Say pretty please." He teased, giving you a headache.

"It's a female problem, unless you don't move." You threatened, earning a disgusted look from him as he moved.

Grinning in triumph, you slipped past him, then took the spot by Macy. Earning a surprised look from her before she laughed. You instantly felt better sitting by her. You've worked with her before. Her bright, happy spirit always makes you feel better. You even enjoy how she goes into detail about specific animals. 

With her being an ethologist and you a biologist, you both talk to each other and learn from each other. Any time you go on jobs with her, you let her know the animals in the area and she warns everyone if the creature acts aggressively. It's a win-win to be honest.

"Looking for better company?" She whispered, earning a tired smile from you.

"Maybe one who doesn't give me a heart attack." You grinned, earning a chuckle from her, "How long have we been flying anyway?"

"A couple of hours." She answered, motioning out the window, "There's the island now actually."

Looking out the window, you put your seat belt on when you saw the tree covered island. It's a new island, but it's huge. You honestly wonder why no one ever saw it before. You could only imagine what creatures you could discover on this island. Sure, the government built a school there first to teach the natives, but no one has really had a chance to explore it. Your team will be the first.

"Hey." Looking up at Jake, you gave him an innocent smile as he pouted at you, "Why are you sitting in my seat?"

"Well, you know the rule." You hummed shrugging your shoulders, "Move your feet, lose your seat."

"I'll remember this." He warned with a smile as he sat by Ryan.

Feeling the plane shake, you held onto the arm rest. Letting out a calming breath, which didn't help when you felt your stomach jump to your throat. You've never been a fan on flying, but it's the fasted way to the island. It's a six-hour flight from the mainland to the island. It would take at least a day by boat, at best.

Biting down a yelp as you felt the plane bounce, you tried to block out the others when they grunted. Definitely not the smoothest landing, but you're alive. That's all you could ask for. Grabbing your bag, you were the first one off. Giving the pilot a wave from the wooden dock as you headed towards the beach. Your stomach still felt like it was rolling, so you took a seat in the shade of a tree. It didn't take long before the plane was already flying away.

Taking another look around, you saw that it was just the four of you. The native tribe was supposed to meet you here. Though, you're not sure if they count days like in modern society. While you're waiting, now would be a good time to write in your logbook. It's what your boss wants you to do anyway. There probably won't be time when the natives get here.

You wrote about the plane ride, the white beaches, and even a small detail about the natives not being there. Just to add something, you picked up a small red crab and started to draw it. It's pinchers snapping at you, but it stayed put when you set it on your knee. Laughing as it did a little scuttle dance, you frowned when it suddenly jumped down. Running away faster than you've ever seen a crab run.

"Weird" You grumbled, setting the book down.

Your whole body tensed as you felt something flicker along your neck. It was light, almost like someone was brushing a feather along the back of your neck. Turning around, you rubbed your neck, hoping to get rid of the feeling. Your picked up the hissing sound of a snake before you saw movement under a bush. The white tip of a snake's tail disappearing.

That would explain why the crab ran away. While you would go after the snake, there are a few problems with that. One, you don't know what that species is. For all you know it could be poisonous. You don't want to die from a poisonous snake before your adventure begins. Second, you don't know where the natives approve of you being. You don't what they consider sacred. You don't want to offend them by accidently walking into an area you're not supposed to.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?" Ryan called, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Uh...Nothing." You answered, glancing at the area where the tail disappeared before going to them, "So, where's the natives?"

"Geeze, (Y/N), if I knew that do you think we would still be on the beach?" Ryan snapped, making you look over at Macy and Jake.

They only shrugged their shoulders. Shaking your head at Ryan's mood, you peered at the trees again. Finding what looked like a well-worn down path. Just down the path you could see people approaching you.

Smiling at you and waving as they reached the beach. From their clothes and spears you knew it was the natives. The man giving you all a smile before bowing with his arms out.

"Welcome to our island." He spoke, then motion to follow him and the others, "Come. We take you. The feast will begin soon."

Giving the others a smile of excitement, you grabbed your bag and followed them into the jungle. 

Naga's Hunt (Yandere Naga x F Reader)Where stories live. Discover now