I know what she wants

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(Izuku was still in front of the store when he noticed someone in front of him.)
Are you dating Momo by chance?
Ummm, who are you? (Izuku asked as the person stepped forward.)
I'm Shoto Todoroki, and I'm have a very important question to ask you. (Shoto said as he reached into his backpack and pulled out nine thousand yen.)
How much money will it take to have you break up with Momo? (The half white half red haired teen asked with a determined look in his eyes, Izuku looked at the young man confused wondering what he meant.)
Are you deaf? I'm bribing you to dump Momo.
Why would I do that?
Because of where we stand In society. (Shoto said as he walked towards Izuku.) I was born with a quirk meaning I'm meant to gain certain things, while your meant to get the simplest of things also meaning dating those who're also born quirk less.
Your kidding right?
I'm serious. (Shoto's glare was like piercing daggers drawn and ready to strike at anything that moved. Izuku held his breath before Shoto took a deep breath before putting the money into his backpack.) I'll expect your answer by the end of the week, take what I said to heart.
And if I don't have an answer? (Izuku says as Shoto demonstrates a little bit of his quirk by showing off some fire.)
Are you ready to take that chance? (Shoto asks before he walks away.)
(It was the next day in class and Shoto was in his seat looking at the cash in his bag.)
Wonder if I should give him more? (Shoto thought to himself when Momo walked in with a concerned look on her face.) What's wrong Momo?
Apparently someone harassed my boyfriend last night.
Who knows, maybe they have your best interests in mind.
What do you mean?
All I'm saying is that maybe see it as an opportunity to be with someone who knows what you need. (Shoto says as Momo begins to question who would harass her Zuzu.)
(Several days pass as the two lovers slowly begin to drift apart, much to Momo's dismay and Izuku's heart ache. Shoto was happy to see that his plan succeeded.)
Victory is almost mine, I just need to pay him the money and then Momo and I will be together forever! (Shoto exclaims as he was dancing around his room, not knowing that someone overheard him.)
So that's your game, we'll see about that. (Jiro said as she climbed down from the tree and raced towards Momo's house.)
WHAT?!? I can't believe he would do that.
Not a surprise that at least one of our classmates would think that way.
I'm talking to Izuku I need to know if this is true.
(Momo said as she ran off in a hurry to where Izuku worked.)
I'm sorry but he's not here.
What? I thought he worked today.
He was but he's been calling in for the last couple of days not only that I believe he's been missing school as well.
(The look of horror on Momo's face to hear this news devastated her. As she left the store tears began running down her face. As she wiped the tears from her eyes she remembered what he father said.)
Mr. Yaoyorozu:
It doesn't matter if you have a quirk or not as long as you love someone and they do the same, that's all that matters and if someone tries to show you otherwise then you prove them wrong.
(With these words in mind, Momo went to search for her love. After several hours of looking she found him sitting by himself on a park bench muttering to himself.)
Maybe he's right, she's needs to be with someone other than me. (Izuku wiped the tears from his eyes and got up from the bench.) I need to end... Ooff.
(Izuku was tackled to the ground. As he tried to get his bearings he looked down to see Momo laying on top of him.) Momo?! What are you... (Before he could even speak she placed her lips right on top of his pushing him back to the ground.)
(As they continued was their kiss, Shoto was in the park when he heard the commotion. He ran to see what was going on when he stumbled upon the sight of our two love bird's kissing each other.)
Hey what are you doing with him? (Shoto asked as Momo broke away from the kiss with her Zuzu and grabbed his right hand before walking up to Shoto and smacking him with her free hand in the face.)
Hey! What was that for?
Shut up!! Jiro told me what you were doing after school and no amount of money you give will ever change my feelings for him!! (Momo exclaimed as she tightened her grin on Izuku's hand causing the green haired boy to blush a light red on his cheeks.)
But he's quirk less!!! Not only that what will society think about this? Not mention your family!
My parents approve of him and are glad that I met someone who wants me to be happy and loved. (As Momo was dying this, a crowd of people started gathering around to see what was going on.)
And what about your parents?( Shoto asked as his fire quirk started to flare out.)
No my mom hasn't met her yet. (Izuku said as he wiped his tears with his free hand while also squeezing Momo's hand.) But I've told my mom about all of the things that we've done together and she can't wait to meet her, not only that my mom thinks that we're meant to be because of the love we have for each. Yeah I'm quirk less but that doesn't me that I'm pathetic and weak like you think!!! (Izuku's words gained the applause from the crowd so much that it caused Shoto to walk away quickly from the situation with anger in his eyes.)
I love you Zuzu!!!!
I love you too Momo. (The two lovers embraced each other into a loving kiss as the crowd cheered.)
[Alright part four in the bag, thank you guys so much for reading the story so far I appreciate it. The picture I found was a picture from red bubble alright see you next time.]

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