Hakuji #11

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Edo period.

Hakuji/Akaza POV

The sun rised up to the sky. It's time for me to do my job.

As i walked closely to my victim I saw his pocket. It was overflowed with money. It Seems I hit a jackpot this time. I tried to get his pocket but
he hold my hand and knocked me out.
I heard him saying, "This is the third time I saw this kid. Just when will this little one change. Sadly you chose a wrong victim kid. Goodluck meeting those judges again.

An hour later.

I woke up and I saw those three men staring at me again. The man in the middle said
"That's three pickpocket tattoo line now. Next time, I'll cut off your wrists.."

I laughed out loud, "HAHAHAHA! Go ahead cut them off then! Even if you cut them off, I'll still have my feet! I'll pick pockets with those! Either way, you're not getting me next time."

The man sighed, "One crime after another at the mere age of eleven. Even a large-sized man would go numb after receiving a hundred blows." he pointed his fans at me as he continue, "You are a demon child."

'Keep saying that. That's right, I am a demon child. I had fangs ever since I was born.'

He release me after putting another line at both of my elbows.

It's still early in the afternoon.

I see a middle age man walking in front of me. Heh, A fortune.

I walked confidently in front of the middle aged man. As i came close to him " Uhm, Sir?."

"Yes?" He replied.

"Is that your coin?" I asked.

"Oh! It's mine. Thanks for telling me kid." As he dropped down his lower body to pick up the coin. I stole his pocket money.

As I walked close to the pharmacy. An old man asked me a question.
"You're still doing those kind of things kid?" I looked his eyes and replied " If not, we will stave and importantly I won't have any money to buy medicine for my dad."

The old man looked at me, he seems slightly disappointed on me " I see, I hope you won't get caught again."

I nodded and walked inside the pharmacy. After I bought the medicine for my dad, I also bought some food for us to eat.

I dislike stealing.
But, if I won't steal we will die.
I will die because of hunger.
Dad will die if he won't take his medicine.

I'm now close to our house and
I felt something touching my back a while ago.

I'm excite on what will my dad's reaction if he found out I bought his favorite food. I can't wait to see his reaction.

"Hakuji!" One of our neighbor saw me and ran towards my direction. As he continued, "Your father heard you got caught again, he hung himself! He's dead." And gave me a letter,  "Dear Hakuji, Live an honest life. You can still turn over a new leaf. I don't want to live off money that has been stolen from others. I'm sorry for being a nuisance." The end.

I hugged my father's grave and muttered, "How could you make peace while living as poor people? The world can just fuck right off."

I ran to the council to extract my revenge. If they didn't caught me my dad won't hung himself.

I punched the man who asked to put lines on my elbow. 'All you people can fuck right off'. A man seems to catch me behind the back. I jumped up and kicked his face. 'Why do we live like a
total shit? Why did my die have to die?' I threw punches to the guy who got knocked down after kicking his face. 'He wasn't a bother to me at all. Why did he apologize? My dadnever did anything wrong. After throwing punches, the guy catched my hands and dropped me down facing to ground.

The judge whipped me at my back 'It didn't hurt to receive that punishment for stealing.' I tried to break free but the guy is holding me tightly as I continue to receive whips from the Judge. 'They may whip me and break my bones. But i can endure anything for you, dad. Even if it last hundreds of years.' The Judge roared while whipping me, "Repent! And find a damn job." 'Shut up and zip it, Shitbag. I don't have money, the medicine's expensive. Even if I find a normal job they will just use me. Paying me low amounts of money.'

Memories of my dad's condition flowed to my mind.
My dad was slowly getting worse. The battered bones in his back were weakening. I wanted to feed you more. You were definitely gonna get better. So why? Why did you hung yourself? I would die for you, dad. FOR YOU! As I got up and beat the shit out of them.

I grasp for air and suddenly I hear a clap, "Oh, man. That was impressive. I got called over because some kid was about to kill everyone. And i find seven adults beaten with bear fists.
He smile genuinely at me as he continue, "You've got good muscles. You're winning against adults without a weapon. Must be feeling pretty good. Wanna come to my dojo? I got no students under me." I immediately replied, "Shut it old fart! I'll kill you."

The man didn't treat me words seriously and said, "Your tattoos say you're an edo criminal. So you were banished from edo. That's why you came here? For revenge?"

I was furious and didn't control my emotions well so i blurted out, "So what! You got nothing to do with this." I ran towars him while preparing my right hand to punch him.

The man did a stance and said, "Yep!! But first, come at me, reformed boy!"

I threw a right punch at him, "Eat shit, you old fart." Countless punches seemingly going towards my face. As I passed out.

-Sorry, I can only upload one chapter this week. I might be busy next week so I can't promise to upload a new chapter next week. Thanks for reading, I'm out.

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