He tentatively brought his gaze back up and saw that they all had smirks on their faces, implying that they saw his expression just then. Pursing his lips, he looked to the side as he felt the familiar rush of heat up his face.

Remus, as if pitying him, chuckled, he walked towards him and swiftly pulled him into a warm hug.

"Hi Sev. It's good to see that you're awake, we've missed you."

Severus returned the hug with the same enthusiasm, burrowing his head into Remus' shoulder. He missed them too.

After pulling away from the hug, Remus smiled, "By the way. The rings are lovely, thank you."

"Yeah, you could've just told us if you wanted to marry us Sev. I mean I see why but damn, you should give a man a few clues y'know," Sirius said, coming closer with James.

James nodded in agreement, "It's crazy to think that you've fallen victim of our charms. Who would have thought, the great Severus Snape falling for the Marauders. No need to worry though, you have no competition."

Every word they said seemed to make his cheeks hotter, his heart pump faster and the butterflies in his stomach more vigorous.

"I-- I--" Severus stammered, then he turned around and put his hand to his chest, taking a deep breath, "Don't get cocky, they're not engagement rings. I-- I just happened to pick them up at a cheap price, nothing else!"

"Oh," Remus said, "Are they promise rings then?"

Severus choked, "N--no!" He exclaimed, almost sprinting down the hallway in the direction of the dining room. He heard laughter behind him. Those bloody Marauders! They're doing it on purpose! He vaguely heard Sirius tell him to wait up but he shook his head and continued on his path. They will find the way to the room themselves, how dare they tease him!


Sirius smiled at Severus as he sat on the boys bed, Severus narrowing his eyes at him in turn, "Don't make the bed messy," he instructed as he made his way to the chair of his desk.

Moony and Prongs joined him on the bed.

Sirius asked a question that crossed his mind a while ago, "So my dear Juliet. Now that we're close, I think its high time that we share secrets, like most friends do. Things like who's your crush, what's your ideal partner, your future dreams and wishes y'know."

Severus froze for a moment, then he turned to them, looked at Prongs and said, "I don't like Lily, never did."

Sirius watched as his friend scratched his nape nervously, "That's good to know I guess, but, I'm over Evans now."

With wide eyes and an open jaw Severus stared at Prongs for a moment. Sirius did not blame him. Prongs chased Evans for as long as he could remember, hell, they even started bullying Severus because Prongs believed that Severus liked Lily.

"You're joking right?"

Prongs shook his head, "Nope I'm not. I like somebody else now."

"Who?" Severus asked, most likely on impulse.

Prongs smirked, "I can't tell you if you won't tell me who you like."

Blinking, Severus looked at the ground, "Well, I don't really like any one at the moment."

Sirius smiled. So they had a chance.

"What are the requirements of someone you'd like to date?" Moony asked.

Severus tugged at the sleeves of his sweater, looking absolutely adorable, "Hmm, I think I'd like someone that would be willing to be there for me when I need them. Is a decent human being and is honest with me all the time. That's it."

So simple, Sirius thought. Severus deserved more than that, and he'll make sure to provide that. If Severus would allow him to that is.


"What are you doing up here?" James heard as Padfoot sat beside him on the window sill.

Sighing, James replied, "Just thinking."

Padfoot cocked his head to the side, "Is it about Severus?"

James nodded, "Kinda. I mean I don't know if we have a chance. We don't even know if he's into men. Hell, even I haven't fully processed the fact that I'm into men. Had me wondering about the more intimate things, like, is kissing a man any different from a woman? What about the deed? How do you go about it? Do you have set roles in same sex relationships?"

James heard snickering and turned his head to see his friend laughing at him. Punching him on the arm James admonished him.

"It's not funny. This is serious."

Padfoot snorted, "No. I'm Sirius."

"Padfoot!" He whined.

Chuckling, Padfoot replied, "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. This is an important issue, but you can't blame me. You looked so scared right now."

He continued, "About Severus not liking men. We can't be sure about it, I mean we were sure of our sexualities until a while ago, so let's not put him in a box. I don't think there are set roles in same sex relationships, just as the dynamics in heterosexual relationships are different for every couple I think the same applies here. When it comes to kissing, well you could just try it with me and see how you feel."

James listened attentively until the last sentence. Did Padfoot just say that they could kiss? That scrambled his thoughts.

"Did you say that I could kiss you?" James asked.

Padfoot nodded in a nonchalant fashion.

James gulped. This felt odd, he never could have imagined those words coming out of Padfoots mouth a year ago, but then again, he never could have imagined a lot of things a year ago.

As if sensing his hesitation, Padfoot leaned forward and said, "Let's just try it. You'll only know after we've kissed. Plus, this just stays between us, I won't tell a soul if that's what you're worried about."

This gave James all the assurance he needed and so he leaned in. He felt Padfoot's breath fanning against his face, it was warm and gave him a tingling sensation. His heart started beating faster, his hands became sweaty, and butterflies erupted in his stomach.

Padfoot closed the remaining distance between them. Sealing their lips together.

Author's Note: Hi lovelies! Hope you like this chapter. I low-key enjoyed writing this. Anyway, I'm gonna finish this story off in roughly the ten coming chapters(maybe even five). So I wanted to know if you guys wanted to see any specific ship in my next story. Remember to stay safe, vote and comment. Till next time :)

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