415 11 32

December 2010

"Good morning, class!" Our teacher cheered.

"Good morning, Sensei." We replied.

"Oh~ I have so many fun things planned today children! Why don't we start with practicing the alphabet first?" She beamed.

We all murmured in agreement and collectively took out our workbooks and began working.

I stared at the empty seat in front of me. Usually Miyano sat there but he hasn't been here and I haven't heard anything. I started to think maybe he never existed in the first place. Maybe he was just an imaginary friend.

I lazily traced the kanji in front of me and whispered the sounds out to myself. I repeated this process until the classroom door cracked open, and someone came in.

I looked up to see the very person I'd been just thinking about. Miyano.

At least, I think that was him. He looked like Miyano but he did not seem like Miyano. He looked so small, so confused, like he was in a place he'd never been before. He peered around the classroom slowly, his eyes filled with fear and dread. He clung onto the strap of his backpack tightly.

"Miyano! Welcome back. We're so happy to have you here today. Why don't you come meet me at my desk?" The teacher began sweetly.

Miyano hastily walked over to her desk, he kept his head down on his way. Once he got there the two began talking about something. Sensei had already sat down and she placed her hand on Miyano's shoulder. She had a sad expression on her face. I watched the whole time, hoping I could get some information from his sudden disappearance from their interactions alone.

Finally, she gave him one last smile and motioned for him to go take a seat. He had some papers in his hand now. He looked around the classroom for an empty seat, his eyes skimmed right past his normal seat in front of mine. He went over to a seat in the corner where no one was near.

I watched him, desperately wanting to talk to him, to say something, to do anything, but I couldn't. I would get in trouble if I talked right now. I told myself I'd wait until recess.


The bell rang, signifying the start of recess. Children began storming out of the door to the playground. I looked to see that Miyano still sat in his seat. He was staring at his empty desk. He'd been like that for the past hour.

I ran up to him.

"Mya~chan!" I exclaimed.

He looked up and saw me approaching him. His expression was blank and he did not say anything.

"Where have you been? I've been so lonely without you Mya~chan.." I complained.

He opened his mouth to say something then closed it and paused. He finally said, "Family emergency."

"That's it?? Well what happened! Cmon, you gotta tell me..I'm your best friend..right?" I hesitated.

"Best friend.." He repeated to himself. "Yes, you're my best friend."

"Well tell me, then! What happened?" I asked one more time.

The first time since he's been back I saw something show on his face. He looked like he was about to cry.

"Can we-" His voice cracked. "Can we..talk about something else.."

"I...mean, I guess so. You're gonna have to tell me eventually." I returned with a suspicious tone.

He nodded.

"Okay..well, honestly not much has really happened since you were gone..so basically..." I started. I told him about something funny a kid did a week ago, when someone broke their leg on the playground, somebody also almost got kidnapped. He listened to me, not saying a word. His face was still mostly expressionless but he looked a bit happier then before.

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