September 2022

Sasaki has been acting weird these past couple weeks. Not bad weird, per say, but definitely not normal. The only way I can describe it as is flirty. Very flirty. Now, I'm not sure if this is just how he acts? Maybe it's how he jokes, well I don't know. But it does fluster me a lot, which is annoying, because he always gets a kick out of it.

Here are some examples:

"Good morning my beautiful Miyano~" Sasaki called out one morning.

"You know...when you cook for me all the time, it's kinda romantic." Sasaki mentioned during lunch.

"Ooh, that shirt looks really hot on you." He complimented.

"You showering? Let me join you~" Sasaki cooed. Once I got into the bathroom, I slammed the door in his face. "Miyanoo.." He whined.

Yeah, see what I mean? The only thing I'm glad is that no one is around to hear it, especially my girlfriend. She's a very jealous person.


One morning, I woke up to my usual 8 o'clock alarm. I leaned over to my bedside table to stop it. I checked the day, "Saturday September 10th" it said on my phone.

I was extremely thankful it was a weekend, all I wanted to do today was to stay home and read manga, school has been way too much lately.

I slipped out of bed and pulled my covers up. I peeked outside my window to see what was going on. The sun peeked through a couple clouds and children were playing on a sidewalk. Someone walked by, walking their dog.

I then went to the kitchen to make food for Sasaki and I. I searched the fridge, unfortunately there was nothing. Just ingredients that I couldn't make anything with. I sighed since my stay at home plans were now ruined and I'd have to go to the store.

I made myself a quick yogurt with granola and ate it. Then, I made my way to my room to get dressed. I searched through my drawers and pulled out a white rose print button up and black cargo shorts, as well as a pair of plain black socks.

I swiftly took my pajamas off and slipped into the clothes. I then went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Finally, I was ready.

I began slipping on my shoes quietly, to try to not wake Sasaki up. I hoped I'd be able to leave before he woke up so I wouldn't have to worry about him on the quick trip.

My plan was foiled yet again when Sasaki's bedroom door creeked open. He poked his head out and looked around the apartment then saw me getting ready to leave.

He walked out the door and looked at me.

"Miyano.." He whined while yawning. His hair was severely messed up and his eyes were still adjusting to being conscious. I noticed a lot of sweat on his neck and his face was extremely red, not blushing or anything, but it was just red, and I didn't know why. He sniffled. "Where are you going..?" He asked innocently.

"Oh, I was just gonna head to the store real quick. We don't have much food so I was just gonna go stock us up so I can make us stuff for the week." I explained. I finished putting on my shoes.

He coughed and then frowned. He slowly approached me and opened his arms up. Then, he fell onto me, holding me in a gentle hug.

I froze for a moment, unsure of what to do. Eventually I made the decision to return his embrace. I carefully slid my arms up his back and laid my head on his chest. I felt his heart pounding rapidly. His body felt incredibly warm.

"Mya~chan.." He complained. "Don't leave me." His grip on me tighten as if he was actually afraid I'd leave.

Mya~chan..I haven't heard that name used for me in ages. Sasaki made that nickname for me when we were younger, I haven't heard it since.

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