*Hey you how was practice?* My phone buzzes with a text message from Jamie.

*Long and tiring. 😫*

*Awe poor baby.*

*Laugh it up ya clown.*



*Tonight say 8*

*You're in town?*


So I agreed to meet him for drinks at a bar called Rave. It just opened up several weeks ago and I told Jamie that next time he was in town we were going to have drinks there.

I get my makeup, hair and outfit sorted and I now calling an Uber to pick me up.

I get my makeup, hair and outfit sorted and I now calling an Uber to pick me up

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I pull up to the bar and thank the driver as he dropped me off

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I pull up to the bar and thank the driver as he dropped me off. I messaged Jamie to let him know I was here and he said to come on in. That he was sitting in the back.

So taking a deep breath I made my way in. I see some people that I definitely don't recognize. Yet there is Jamie with his back to me. Several guys look to me but I put my finger to my mouth asking them not to say anything.

So I snaked my arms around Jamie and I watched him jump.  He turns around and sees me.

"You made it." Jamie says as he hugs me. "Damn girl you look good."

"Thanks. You clean up well too."

Jamie introduces me so several people.

"Hey baby girl." Jayson says as he puts his arm around my waist.

"Hi." I said and kissed him on the cheek.

"Wait you two know each other?" Joe asks.

"Yeah she's my best friend. " Jayson says.

We all got talking about me bowling and them playing hockey. Then it got really quiet.

"Jamie, Joe, Jayson what's up fellas." Said a voice that I haven't heard in over two years.

There stood Tyler. With a bottled blonde with fake boobs and lips hanging on his arm.

I couldn't say anything.  I excused myself from the guys and went to the restroom then to the bar to order me another drink.

"Hey." I heard his voice. It was the same feeling that I got the first time I heard him.  "So how do you know Jayson and Jamie?"

Did he really ask me that? Have I changed that much in two years? Does he completely not recognize me? 

Talk about a knife to the heart.

"Here's your drinks beautiful." The bartender says.

I grabbed the two bears and my crown and coke and made my way back to the table.

I handed the beers to the guys and was sipping on mine when Tyler comes back. They all talked for a bit then Jayson said he was gonna head on home.

Jay whispered to me that he call later and I nodded.

Jamie had his arm around my shoulders while blondie was perched on Tyler completely engrossed in her phone.

"We should go bowling one night while we are here." Joe said.

"I don't know man." Tyler said. 

"Reminds me of a time when we first did while we were here." Jamie says.

"What do you mean?" Joe asked.

I elbowed Jamie in the ribs but it didn't seem to faze him. He just squeezed my shoulder.

"Well Tyler made a bet with someone and he got his ass handed to him."

"Dude how was I supposed to know she was a pro?" Tyler says with a smile on his lips.

They got talking a bit longer on the topic but I was starting to get buzzed so I ordered my ride and showed Jamie.

Then about 10 minutes later my phone buzzed saying my driver was inbound in like five minutes.

"Jamie, I am gonna head out. Driver will be here in five."

"Alright. Text me when you get home."

"I will." I said as I kissed him on the cheek.  "Gentlemen as much as I had a blast talking with everyone tonight, I need to head home. Work calls in the morning."

"Pleasure in meeting you too, Rochelle." Joe said.

My gaze turned to Tyler and his eyes locked on mine.  But I was the first to break away.

I walked out and as I was about to get intp the Uber I heard Tyler call out for me.


But I couldn't. I got in and left. I refused to cry in the car. But when I walked into my house. I broke down.

I did manage to let Jayson and Jamie know that I was home.

But it hurt so much.

So when I woke up the next morning my head pounded, my eyes were puffy and red, and my living room had multiple empty bottles scattered around.

Damn my pride and heart.

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