III: Taxatio

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"So you signed me up to be a demonic surrogate?"
"And you just ASSUMED I would be fine with it?!"
"Well, you've always mentioned wanting kids and haven't exactly been having luck with men recently so"
I chucked. They werent wrong, but I wasn't sure how to feel about my best friend signing me up to carry a child.
"Please, at least go to the interview"
"I am only doing this for you, Marin."
"And I will deal with any and all consequences of my actions you would like me to."
"Did I just agree to be an on call babysitter for the rest of my life?"
"Yes you did."
They shrugged. "Worth it."
As they continued walking me to the door, we talked about wedding plans, of which, they had surprisingly few, only knowing that they wanted to be married by the current papa.

I later found out that sister imperator, the head of the clergy, has been in search for a prime mover for several years now. Since 2008, in fact. The clergy had recently launched a new project, and imperator has been worried since the idea was pitched about its longevity. The plan of this project is for the papas of the emeritus bloodline to lead it, and from the project, the spread of satanism through music. The problem is, there are only two more papas in the bloodline after the current: Primo. So, she's been attempting to speed up the process of finding an acceptable prime move in order to keep the church afloat past those three.
Safe to say, she hasn't had much luck so far.

The next morning I arrived in my best attire. I searched for hours trying to find an iron. I'm still surprised I had one in the back of my closet. I don't even know why I had an iron, I never use it. It did come in handy for today, though, so I'm definitely not complaining that my storage space is essentially Mary Poppins' purse.

I was greeted at the large, wooden door by Marin, who was waiting to show me to Sister Imperators office for my interview. We walked in silence until we got there, when Marin patted my arm and told me "you've got this" before hurrying off. I straightened my jacket, unsuccessfully trying to shake off my nerves, before I knocked on the door. It opened quickly and I was met by an older woman. "Welcome, Y/N, I have heard so much about you. I'm sister imperator"
"Good morning ma'am"
She waved me in. "Sit, sit."
I followed her orders and she shut the door behind me, sitting on the other side of her desk before starting off with some normal interview questions. Y'know, greatest weakness, prior job experience, why I want this job, all that. Then she began asking things like how much I knew about the clergy. I answered honestly, of course. I only know the basics, really. I know nothing of the history and not much of the traditions and ceremonies. I can only assume I passed that stage of the interview, because I was then led to what I can only hope was an infirmary.

After a very uncomfortable physical exam that I would never like to speak of again, I was sent back to imperators office, where I was made to wait for her to come back from discussing with the examiner. I sighed, my nerves tenfold what they were when I first arrived. I anxiously ran a hand through my hair, looking down at the desk in front of me. I turned to look at the door as I heard it open. Imperator walked to the other side of her desk and set down a folder.
"Y/N, you are the best candidate for prime mover I have seen in a very long time."
"I-I am?"
"Yes. The clergy would be proud to have you as the Prime Mover, should you accept."
"I do"
"Then welcome. Let me lead you to your accommodations"
"We will be housing you, of course."
Imperator led me to a door a bit further down the winding hallway. She opened it to reveal essentially a little apartment. It was absolutely beautiful. Past the doorway laid a small living room, with a couch and very comfortable looking rocking chair next to a small table. Across from the couch was a small kitchen, with seating at one of the counters.
I also noticed three doors off to the right of the door we had entered through.
"Holy shit..." i muttered.
Imperator laughed "I presume you approve"
"Of course! This is amazing!"
"There's more. Follow me." She opened the furthest door, to reveal a bedroom. It was relatively simplistic in design, with simply a bed, dresser, and mirror. A large window covered my blackout curtains sat elegantly above the bed.
"This is yours, but" she pointed to an empty space in the room "there is space for a bassinet should you want it in here. It can be hard to hear through these walls."
She left the room and I followed. She opened the next door over, without stepping inside
"This is the bathroom"
Finally, she opened the third door. "And this is the nursery we've set up. This room had been waiting for the Prime Mover for a long time, so feel free to change anything you'd like."
"This is amazing. Thank you"
She clasped my hands. "It is no burden on the clergy to house the woman doing one of our most important jobs" she led me back into the living room. "Would you like help moving your things?"
"It's fine, I can move everything myself. When's this all start?"
"Well we prefer as soon as possible. No later than next week, if that works with you. We'd like to allow you at least a week of getting settled in and your ceremony must happen on the first of the month."
"Ahh yes, I should explain. There is a ritual that we must perform in order for you to BECOME the prime mover. And, of course, you mustn't have any form of sexual relations until we are sure you are pregnant, just to ensure the children belongs to the old one."
"Of course"
"Romantic relationships and friendships are entirely allowed, though. Even encouraged. It can help greatly with morale and reducing stress."
I nodded, taking it all in.
"I would be able to move in tomorrow, right?"
"Yes, of course!"

This is going to be such a big change...

I can't wait.

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