| ~ 🌙 Chapter Two 🌙 ~ |

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Damian paced back and forth in the infirmary room while Becky sat by the bed Anya laid on. It's been 8 hours and she still hasn't woken up Becky thought. As her best friend, she was quite concerned for the poor girl.


Becky's POV:
I heard a loud thud hit the ground.

I turned around and noticed it was Anya.

My eyes turned hot with tears of shock and anger as I ran over to my friend. She suddenly collapsed to the ground? Why? Does this have to deal with her zoning out lately?

"ANYA?!! ANYA ANSWER ME PLEASE!" I yelled, crying.
I heard somebody run over to me and carried Anya's helpless body. It was Damian.
"GET AWAY FROM HER." I slapped him.

He fumed with anger.

"I'M JUST TRYING TO HELP. IF YOU'RE HER FRIEND THAN WHY ARE YOU WASTING YOUR TIME AND NOT GETTING HER TO THE INFIRMARY?!" He snapped back. Becky glared at him and clenched her fist. Was it her fault? Anya could be at the nurse's office right now but she isn't. Instead she's laying in that ugly cabbage's arms. "WELL WHAT'RE YOU WAITING FOR?! LET'S GO!!" Becky yelled back.


Third Person POV:

School was out by this point.

Damian and Becky continued to wait for Anya to wake. They then heard a rustling sound of a blanket. They awoke to see that Anya sat up straight and yawning.
"ANYA!! YOU'RE AWAKE." Becky said, jumping up from her seat to embrace her friend in a bear hug.
"Oh right, sorry about that..."
Anya tilted her head to see that Damian was standing right behind her. E-eh? Sy-on boy is here too? Anya stared in confusion.
"Don't give me that look. I was worried, okay?" He groaned. He had a slight blush over his face and he tried to cover it up, but Becky seemed to notice. She smirked.
"I...uhm gotta go use the bathroom!! Yeah! I'll be right back!" She rushed out the door, leaving the two in the room all by themselves. They say in the awkward silence.

"Soooo, sy-on boy! Why are you here?"

"You passed out during lunch."

Anya stared at him blankly. I passed out? Huh. She thought to herself in the confused state of mind.

"I did?"

"Yes- wait you don't remember?"

"All Anya recalls is that Anya got slapped by that knuckle-head of a guy."


The thought of the guy slapping Anya angered Damian (overprotective much 🤨😒). He looked as if he was about to pounce onto something and attack it brutally. Anya noticed this and was slightly frightened by the fact that there was an angry Damian standing in front of her.

"S-sy-on boy, are you okay? You look like you're about to attack something." Anya said blankly. Damian snapped out of his trance and realized what he was doing.  A slight shade of red appeared across his face. Anya sat there in confusion. "SY-ON ARE YOU FEELING ILL?" She shot up from the cot and touched his forehead, only making the situation worse. "UAHHHHHH BACK OFF YOU UGGO!!!" Damian shouted out her, being flustered. "YOU'RE HEATING UP LIKE CRAZY, ARE YOU OKAY?!" Anya said worriedly.

This idiot doesn't even understand what being flustered means! She's probably even too blind to realize that I like her, thought Damian.

Anya read his mind and the shade of red then passed her face like a disease being spread. SY-ON BOY LIKES ANYA?! NONONONO THERE IS NO WAY. HE WOULDN'T LIKE A COMMONER LIKE ME. AFTER ALL, HE'S JUST A STUCK UP, SNOTTY ASS BRAT. Anya shook her head out of the thought and slapped her cheeks with her hands. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead. WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?!

Damian caught sight of this and stared at her. What's wrong with her.. it looks like she's evolving into a next stage or something. Damian looked at her blankly. Anya caught sight of his eyes and "the filter" activated. She blushed. WHAT THE HECK?! WHY'S SY-ON ALL SPARKLY?!

Damian noticed Anya panicking and wanted to comfort her, but his mind was thinking other things. Would she be uncomfortable or would she like it. UAHHHHH WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THESE THINGS?! Anya was still reading his mind and had a chain reaction. WHAT THE HECK?!

These interactions lasted for 30 minutes straight, neither of them realizing the fact that Becky has "been in the bathroom" for half an hour.  You may ask, what was Becky actually doing? Well, she went to the library to pick out some romance novels for her and Anya to read together.

Becky POV:

I NEED ANYA TO STOP BEING SO BLIND AND NOTICE HER FEELINGS THAT SHE HAS FOR DAMIAN. God bless these books, they're rated top 5 in the romance genre. Hmmmm, AHA! UPGRADE YOUR KISSING SKILLS!!! I giggled like an evil psychopath in the library and everybody started staring at me like a creep. I silently tiptoed my way out of there and walked back to the infirmary.

On my way, I bumped into that dumbass cabbage's minions.
"Hey, purple haired eggplant! Have you seen boss man?" yelled Ewen.


I knew I shouldn't have said that because they probably didn't have one anyway, but it's just for fun. I mean, you should've seen their faces. They looked like cats drenched in water.

"Two. I haven't seen your 'little cabbage bossman', so suck it up dickheads."

I walked away, leaving them in my dust. Nobody can dare insult me about THESE looks. I swear, if they dare do that again, I really will chop their penises off and feed it to them.

When I got there, I saw two flustered people.

"So~ what did I miss~?" I smirked. The tension between the two got even tighter than before.

"BECKY!" Anya shot a death stare at me and pushed me out the door.

"What~? I didn't ruin the moment between you two did I?" I teased Anya.

"Shut up..." Anya grumbled as we walked away.

I could feel the eyes of Damian on us and I shot him a peace sign with my hand. He waved it off and left to his dorm.


The next day, Anya and Damian didn't even dare to look at each other. Not even a glimpse! Was it about yesterday or was it the make out novel that I showed Anya? Eh, who cares. Their love life is about to get spicier than ever before. Hehehe~


Author's note:
That's the end of Chapter Two!!! Sorry for such the long wait. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did while writing this piece. Chapter Three will also probably take the same amount of duration to publish as it did with this chapter, so keep posted! Cocoli out!

Words: 1192

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