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"What's up?" – she asks coldly

"Hi, sorry if we came here uninvited. I absolutely need to talk to Ryota, may I?"

"He told me not to let you in if you came."

"I understand why, but it's extremely important: this boy and I found out the trick behind the photo and I want Ryota to understand that between me and Shintaro there's absolutely nothing and that I didn't cheat on him at all."

The girl stands silent for a few seconds, deciding what to do.

"I'll tell my brother what you've just told me and if he agrees to meet you I'll let you in."

"Thank you very much."

Waiting is horrible and the knot on your stomach is tighter second by second. After a few minutes – that seemed like eternity to you – Kise's sister comes back with the good news. You and Midorima take off your shoes and climb the stairs, quickly reaching Kise's room. You knock on the door and your boyfriend opens it, with red puffy eyes.

"Hello Ryota, it's nice to see-"

"Don't call me that. Not until I'm sure that what you've told my sister is true."

These cold words hurt you, but you try to resist and stay cool. You sit on the ground, you and Midorima on one side and Kise on the opposite one.

"You saw this picture and thought that I cheated on you with Shintaro, but that's not true. If you look closely, you can see that the photo used by the journalist is the same that we took together last may." – you say showing him the original one – "They used an old picture thinking that we wouldn't recognize it and they modified it here and there. Among the Generation of Miracles's boys they chose Shintaro, because his height is similar to yours and he has your same complexion. They only put Shintaro's face on top of yours, you see?"

"Moreover, that is my left hand and I'm not wearing bandages on my fingers, which I always do when I'm not practicing. And of course, I'm not in love with (Name-san)."

Kise stays silent, comparing the two pictures and reasoning on your words. His wish to believe you is huge, but the fear of being fooled by the person he loves the most is as huge.

"I... I want to trust you, (Name-cchi), I really want to. But..."

"I swear, I didn't cheat on you and never will. I'm not that cruel, even if I had lost my feelings for you and had fallen for someone else, I would have talked to you about it before doing anything; but there's nothing more distant from the truth than this picture. I don't know any other way of proving it to you." – you whisper as a couple of tears stream down your face and Midorima walks out of the room to leave you alone. You don't want to lose him, but you don't want to force him either – "If you don't believe me or if you want to take your time and think about what to do, I'll accept it. What matters to me is your happiness." – you say, silently collecting your things to go away.


You turn to face Kise, that has taken a hold of your wrist to keep you here.

"I believe you, (Name-cchi)."

Your eyes light up with surprise and joy at this sudden statement.

"You do?!"

"What we've been through together... those moments are way too beautiful for you to spit on them that way. And I know that you're a terrible liar." – he comments with a smirk – "If you had lied to me now or faked it during our relationship, I would have more than likely noticed. The thing is that when I saw that photo my whole world burned in flames and my heart broke just thinking that you had cheated on me with a friend of ours. I didn't think that it might have been a scam to create useless scandals, that picture became the one and only truth, all my certainties destroyed. A boy like Midorima-cchi, the incarnation of righteousness, became capable of kissing a taken girl; and you, that have always given me all your love and affection, became capable of cheating on me. I'm sorry, (Name-cchi). I'm sorry that I just pushed you away without even discussing this with you. I don't want to be without you: can we pick up where we left off?" – he asks you with a smile that melts your heart with pure joy.

"Of course! I love you, Ryota." – you exclaim, hugging him with all your strength.

"I love you too, (Name-cchi)."

You and your boyfriend shower each other with affection, giving you all the attention that you didn't receive these days: God only knows how badly you missed each other. Unfortunately you completely forgot about Midorima, that had been waiting for you for so long that he angrily decided to leave, with a sound punch on your door as a "thank you and goodbye".

Song used in the title: Traitor - Olivia Rodrigo

(ENG) KUROKO NO BASKET ONESHOTSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن