{Race}<-[Dark Elf]

{Entry}<-[Dark Elves are a type of Elf that mostly keep's to themselves. Not much is known about the Dark Elves, other then that they sided with Melromarc during the Great War against the High Elves. Dark Elves are believed to have a secret high tech utopia as their city, but until proven this is said to be rumor]

{Legendary Hero Religion}<-[Church of the Sword Hero]

{Extra Information}<-[Dark Elves are said to be very skilled with the sword, likely deriving from they're worship of the Sword Hero]

{Extra Information}<-[Dark Elves are said to be very skilled with the sword, likely deriving from they're worship of the Sword Hero]

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{Race}<-[Snow Elf]

{Entry}<-[Snow Elves are an all female race of Elves who are extremely talented in Restoration and Illusion magic as well as being highly skilled with the Sword and Bow. Snow Elves despise Demon's and have made it tradition to hunt Demon's and bring their head's back to their town. At the beginning of the Great War, they remained neutral until the High Elves attacked their cities. The Snow Elves then joined Siltvelt to fight the High Elves]

{Legendary Hero Religion}<-[Church of the Shield Hero]

{Extra Information}<-[Snow Elves are close allies to the Demi-Human's and the Shield Hero. Being an all female race, Snow Elves mate with other races for reproduction]

 Being an all female race, Snow Elves mate with other races for reproduction]

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{Race}<-[Wood Elf]

{Entry}<-[Wood Elves are a type of Elf that live in the deepest part's of the forest, many believed them to be fictitious. The Wood Elves are a peaceful species that only use their weapon's to hunt for food, they mostly use Spear's and Bow's and are very skilled with stealth. Wood Elves view the Sword Hero as a Demon and aren't shy about it, often talking badly about the Sword Hero the their face. Wood Elves can be dangerous if threatened, be weary of them]

{Legendary Hero Religion}<-[Church of the Bow and Spear Heroes]

{Extra Information}<-[Wood Elves aren't too skilled with magic so they often avoid combat with mage's, for fear of being killed by them]

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