Ch.3//Eternal Company

Începe de la început

Y/N: Depends on what kind of eating ;)

His big ass bone hand slides down and grabs my thigh, like all the way around. He pulls me more towards hoisting up the leg he is holding. The other arm rests above my head.

(by the way, you're both on the ground, I will draw how this looks)

okay so I was drawing this and my friend pushed me out of the way because I was fucking it up and did it for me, like this fucker threw me and said I'm not letting this happen also she gave him an ass crack

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

okay so I was drawing this and my friend pushed me out of the way because I was fucking it up and did it for me, like this fucker threw me and said I'm not letting this happen also she gave him an ass crack. xoxo love ya jazzy.

He slowly, very gradually gets closer to my face.

Ink Demon: Depends if you can handle me

he lets out a low growl at the end. Before our lips could make luscious contact, an echoey hum sounded.

He pulls up lightly, letting go of my thigh and letting out a more annoyed growl. Disappointment laced my face.

Ink Demon: Later. We have to keep moving now.

A smile of anticipation carved my face once more. Wonder lingered about that women's hum.

An- Get fucking cockblocked, you horny bastards. The chapter isn't over yet. I'm also writing this in my math lab again, and id like to make an apology tweet on my, crying and sobbing with a fake thumbnail about how slow these chapters are coming out. Exams happened, and then I got clustered with stuff. But I'm free now and using my words on a long-ass author's note. What id like to say, I'm a slow-ass writer, drawer, and any project, but I can get smut done in one night. I can guarantee if I don't get pegged by a bunch of random stuff at once, I can get you the smut chapter in one night to a week.

Now back to your program.

A light has shown through the top of the ladder. I decided to climb up after the ink demon. I'd get a nice view of that fine ass. Once we got to the top, my eyes filled with a new setting through a window. A nice change from the studio looked to be a mini city. If they could, my pupils would have stars in them.

This time the ink demon had watched me in my amazement. The ink demon came up behind me and rested big bubble gum dumb head on top of mine. Finally, after taking it all in, I spoke up.

Y/N: You're a man whore, you know, right?

Within a millisecond, he yanked his head back in shock.


I burst out laughing, falling to the floor as he leaves without me.

I catch up to the darling of a man at the entrance to the city, still giggling to myself. He seemed to be searching for something. His plastered grin face turns to me.

Ink demon: Stay here.

Now left alone again with my thoughts.

God, I wish I had some Hot wheels right now. I sigh to myself.

(AN-this is now my new favorite sentence in the entire fanfic so far)

Humming to myself the same tune I heard earlier as it suddenly joined with me: behind me.

My heart stops for a moment as I try to wipe my head around, but before I get a glimpse of whom, I hear a thunk then it all goes black.

(An- Live laugh love, boys)

I wake up in a chair tied up, of course. I can't be alone for one second without something happening, can I? Lifting my head, I see the ugliest woman of all my life. She had a nice rack, though I had to admit it.

???: How lucky you are to be in the presence of an angel.

She said in an above-all-people tone that makes you cringe.

Y/N: I don't know, man. It feels like you're committing ten crimes right now.

She sent daggers into my eyes as I smirked. I had a slight headache from whatever this bitch hit me with, maybe a mobi-huge with how bad this hurts.

???: Do you know who I am, Who you're talking to (in a snarky annoyed tone)

Y/N: Lady, I gained consciousness like a day ago, obviously the fuck not.

Alice; My name is Alice angel, you fucking peasant.

Y/N: Well, I'd be damned; it's the Alice angel; how about you unzip my pants and suck my dick for kidnapping me. I can't do it myself since you tied me up.

She looked somewhat pissed after that one.

Alice; Enough, you're the perfect ink creature I've seen in this gross prison, and I need your ink to make me beautiful.

Y/N: Did mommy tell you you're not pretty enough growing up?

At this point, she looked like she was about to cry from how mad she looked. Then her face contorted into a grin.

Alice; You know I've been watching you. You seem to have a thing for the ink demon. It's funny, honestly; he only wants to use you.

My heart sank a bit at that statement

Y/N: Oh please, don't be a silly goose.

Alice; He only wants your soul. It is cute that you're disposable to him, it's been hours, and has he come to your rescue?

Her gaslighting might be getting to me, uncertainly placed my face. Not knowing how to respond, I looked around to see no one anxiety began to bite me.

Y/N: Bullshit, he rescued me once before: what's different now.

Denial is hitting me like a truck.

Alice; Well, even if he did, he doesn't have much time.

She pulls a needle out of nowhere; I'm assuming from her ass since that dress doesn't have pockets. I listen closely for something; for fucks sake, SOMEONE to save me from this crazy bitch, but no one. Her syringe pulls close to my neck as I gulp.

Not taking this whores gaslight girl boss gatekeep shit, I headbutt her bubblegum dumb dome of a forehead as hard as I can. Trying to wiggle out of my restraints but to no avail.

Before the bitch could get up again, the hot sexy man whore appeared out of shit nowhere. The room is in a layer of shadows. The Ink Demon hoisted the angel by her neck against a wall.

(an- Okay, pause; I know this section sounds a bit weird and out of place, but keep in mind this story was to be 5,000 words per chapter. I'm a very slow writer, and that would take a whole year, so bear with me.)

So, he popped her head like a zit and took his sexy monstrous claws, snapping my bondage. He growled like a beast at that lil cucker as he carried me bridal-style out of that room.


1688 words

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