Comincia dall'inizio

"KILL ME. KILL ME now, and do it fast." wednesday addams chanted quietly in the back of the car.

she had closed her eyes and had crossed her fingers, like some kind of prayer-like hand formation.

"i'm not doing that. remember the last time i tried to and mum and dad grounded me for weeks? in the cellar? with almost nothing but a torch and spiders to accompany me?" thursday addams replied with an arch of her dark eyebrows, as she swiped on the screen of her phone, apparently being on pinterest.

"they fed you." wednesday countered coolly, lifting her eyebrows slightly.

"yes and they forbid me from watching movies and listening to music, let alone make music. you know how much i love movies and music — it's how much you love reading books and dissecting body parts." thursday responded, quickly clicking on some pictures, apparently zooming in.

thursday wasn't much of a reader — she simply didn't have the patience to read a whole book, but instead, she was absolutely fascinated with movies. she loved analysing them, watching the story line unfold, gasp when the plot twist hit, fangirl over incredible acting, swoon over the camera work and just loved admired seeing beautiful landscapes.

and while wednesday only played cello for finger practice, thursday truly enjoyed playing music and even composing pieces herself. she played piano, guitar and the violin, the latter self-taught.

"fair point." wednesday grumbled.

this happened often — wednesday trying to escape something and roping her sister into it as well.

funnily enough, thursday addams' name has never been associated with a negative word, let alone an insult, before.

in fact, she seemed to be a people magnet — she was a skilled talker, an extremely extroverted and charismatic persuasion artist, and she was so popular amongst people you could say she allured and mesmerised people until they became hypnotised by her.

that was very much unlike her twin sister, wednesday addams.

although the both of them shared the same last name and the same face, — aside from that one birthmark thursday had right next to the ends of both of her eyes — they had nothing in common.

wednesday was anti-social, sarcastic, crude and disliked being in the spotlight, while thursday thrived in it.

wednesy was the moon, while thursday was the stars, wednesday was a black cat, while thursday was a golden retriever, wednesday was moonlight, while thursday was sunshine; wednesday was wednesday, while thursday was thursday.

the twin sisters had always been close, although thursday's everyday hobby was annoying wednesday and wednesday usually got back at her with evil pranks, which resorted in thursday pranking her sister as well.

thursday and wednesday were inseparable, and it seemed where the stars were, the moon followed, and where the moon was, the stars followed.

it was no surprise to morticia addams and gomez addams that when wednesday had gotten expelled from her latest school because of a "murder attempt" by putting piranha fish in the swimming pool, thursday had promptly "accidentally" set the physics labor of the school on fire.

thursday and wednesday liked to call it "the addams code". and when an obsessive boy had started stalking thursday, wednesday had been there to give him a proper "talk" — it was more of a one-sided beating — for scaring her twin sister; and when girls would talk shit about wednesday behind her, thursday would prank them until they were humiliated into madness, and then bully them into apologising.

❝ 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍! ❞ ⇢ 𝐗. 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐄 / 𝐓. 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐏𝐈𝐍 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora