Chapter 2 "Hard Times"

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The life of Caira and Corbin had been revealed, the deaths of their parents, and the quite happy life they lived in with their better family, especially their newly adoptive parents Zuko and Mai, and their godparents William and Elena Miles. Despite the bastard Howletts, things were amazing for the Albright twins, until one fateful day, a new addition would arrive, that addition was named...

Alexandria Raine Blackwood...

Little did Caira and Corbin know, Alexandria had quite a rough life that would continue. From the moment she was born, life took a very dark turn for her. From the minute she emerged into the world, all she could hear were hear own cries and ths cries of a woman who was screaming at something or someone. She couldn't make it out who it was. All she was for now was a struggling and wailing newborn baby girl with green eye that shined an awful shade of blue. However, she did hear two names such as, "Alexander...", and "Raine...",

Upon being born, until the age of 9, she spent her life going from foster home to orphanage to a foster home, all of which tormented her.

Flashback, (Alex, Age 6)

"Clean up this damn mess! You wretched brats! It's no wonder none of your parents wanted any of you!" The orphanage leader shouted, their voice filled with malice and hate as he walked around the multiple orphan children scrubbing the floor with buckets filled with murky water.

One of them happened to be Alex, at the time, her blonde locks pale and lacing down and her petite frame nothing but skin and bone from the lack of food fed to her. She hissed when she felt a cut in her side burn. The cut was bruised with yellow and purple, with a minor sign of infection. "Ouch..." She quietly whispered to herself.

However, it somehow seemed like the orphanage leader had heard her and immediately marched over with a growl. They grabbed her by the hair and yanked her up much to her agony, and she shouted in pain as she felt them snarl in her face, their spit splattering on her pale cheeks. "What did you say, you little demon?!"

Alex tried to say something but all she did was cough and struggle. "Pl...Please...stop..." She managed to blurt out with a croak. All that got her was a smack to the face as the orphanage leader dragged her away to a room that was empty.

"Let's give you a little time until you learn to talk properly! At least, if you and your demon kind can talk!" The orphanage leader shouted as they opened the door and threw Alex inside the cold room with nothing but a light bulb. "You're getting cold mush tonight, ya little brat!" They said before slamming the door, the heavy metal creaking loudly that Alex's poor little eardrums hurt beyond help.

All the young Alex could do was curl up into a ball and silently cry into her scarred arms. The scars and cuts on her body were symbols of the pain she endured.

Three years later... (Alex, Age 9.)

"Dammit! Where the hell are you, you little shit?!" A disgusting and drunken man stumbled around the rundown house, his eyes darting around the room and his fists slamming into things. Young Alex was hiding and covering her ears as she shook with fear and uncertainty of whether of not she should try running. This man was her horrible foster father, only this so-called foster home seemed to be way worse than the other ones she had been in.

"Need to stay hidden...Have to find a way out of here...At least..." Alex shakily whispered to herself, her voice barely audible. She attempted to make a quiey bolt for an open window only...


Alex cried out in pain when a large fist made contact with her head and knocked her back so hard, she slid across the room and hit the wall.

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