Chapter 1

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Izu's POV

I missed my boyfriend Eric everyday since he was kidnapped. I wonder at times if we would of already been intimate with each other by now. I am keeping my promise to him that I will always love him. That day when we confessed our love to one another I was ecstatic and instantly made a quirk to help me see if he was alive or not in case anything did happen. We did try to be careful as possible. The day I found out he was kidnapped almost broke my heart. Essentially since they did that to him the day we shared our very first kiss out of many that we hopped. Now I deal with a dull ach in my chest not truly happy even with my new friends. I had not smiled much since that day for one does not count fake smiles to show that I was ok.

I broke a bone during the examination our teacher put us through. The others would worry for me to not feel the pain so I had to fake the pain a bit. I promised myself not to tell any of them about my true quirk after all. I had a feeling that I will be able to see Eric sometime this school year. Ochako Uraraka has already developed a crush on me to which I was uncomfortable with knowing that. Anyway between that first day and the USJ incident I got to learn more about my new friends. I made sure they did not find out any of my secrets. When I did get into the training ground of the incident; I knew instantly that I would see what the kidnappers did to my beloved.

A purple portal opened up in the middle of the faculty. I was the one to see it form and Kirishima said that they are even going to use fake villains. That was until my favorite hero told us that they are not fake in the slightest. When I saw two black skined things come our of the portal the bit more human one looked up at me. My breath hitched a bit seeing the familiar eyes that are Eric's. I almost ran towards him but I knew not to do so in the situation. Next thing that I did know is me falling into the wrecked ship zone. I tried to swim to the boat until villains started to show up and attack me. Thankfully Tsu saved me and we were on the boat, unfortunately with Mineta.

I made a plan to get out of the zone and thankfully they did as said. We had to see our teacher's head get smashed into the concrete by the buffer thing. I look around unknown by anyone to see if Eric was still around. He was not which made me a bit upset. "Nomu before you kill him I want you to make him watch as I kill one of his students." The light blue haired villain then went to try to touch Tsu with his hand. I without thinking tried to punch him away but instead the big nomu got in my way. I got caught into it's hand and he started to squeeze me while the villain try to go for Tsu again until All Might showed up. I did not care about the fight anymore I just wanted Eric's comfort.

A fight ensured after between the buff nomu and All Might. Tsu and Mineta tried to carry our teacher to the entrance. I was pulled behind a boulder by the second nomu that was Eric. My breath hitched a bit when his head was at my throat to sniff. I could not help but to bare my neck to him. He then took on a even more human appearance before pulling me to his body by my hips. He growled into my ear saying mine before he smashed his lips onto mine. I could not help bit moan and wrap my arms around his neck. I felt my legs give out soon after. I could tell that I felt something that only comes when I had a dream about Eric and me. I was able to feel his as well.

When we did part I was a panting mess when Eric started to kiss down my neck. I could not hold back the soft moans that did come out. My arms tried to get him even closer at that moment as well. "Eric I'm so hot please help." I heard him let out a soft growl. "You are in heat Zuku and so fertile for our younglings." I could not help but shudder at the thought of being full of our kids. I did not care if I did get pregnant because I have been daring him for ten years now. "Please make me yours Eric." I felt my body try to find at least a bit of frustration after that. Eric groaned before pinning me onto the ground to which made me arch up in pleasure.

"Not here Zu need more privacy." I let out a whine knowing he was correct. I opened a green portal that leads to my secretive house that I own. "Go through the portal before I loose what control that I have left." Eric nodded before giving me a kiss and went through. I closed the portal quickly before trying to calm down from being close from him. I was able to distract the blue haired villain so he did not kill All Might and in time for back up to arrive. I broke my legs for doing that stunt. My decoy favorite hero was happy that I helped him the way I did. Before the other classmates could see him in his civilian form Cementoss made a wall. Toshinori thanked him as well.

I got a stern talking and so did Toshinori about me breaking my bones. I was able to tell my heat as Eric called it was on hold. I had a feeling that was not good for it being on hold. Detective Tsukauchi soon came into the room to talk to Toshinori. He said they found the buff nomu and could not really get answers from the nomu for they can not understand the thing. I decided to use telapath to speak to Eric if there was a way to understand the nomu. -Eric is there a way to know what nomus are saying.- -Acctually yes Izu but only the masters can know what they are saying. Lucky for you your dad forgot that his family can be chosen masters for us as well. Other nomus also know.- I thanked him before closing the link and looked at the detective.

"Detective Tsukauchi is ot alright if I try something to see if I can understand the nomu?" I saw that the detective thought about my question and was a bit hesitant. Toshinori interrupted Tsukauchi's thoughts though. "There could be no harm in trying Tsukauchi." The detective sighed in defeat. "Alright Midoriya I just need permission from your mom first." I sweat dropped at that. Nezu took that time to enter the room. "Midoriya is there a reason your mom has not picked up the phone." "Yes there is since she died of a stroke this morning." My mom never told me that she was ill to which I was sad about. All the adults looked at me in sympathy. "Well seems that asking your mom is out of the question how about your dad." I knew the detective had a lie detector quirk.

I had no guardians to take me in as well. "How can I do that when I have never talked to him before and yes he is alive. No he is not oversees as my mom said since she did not know he was the villain All For One." They all tensed up at what I have said. "The sad part is that there was no hint of a lie." He took put his cuffs to which I knew was because I was a spawn of the villain. "Those do not work on my quirk Tsukauchi. Also please keep in mind I want nothing to do with him." The detective complicated about a decision. "How do you know how to get information from the nomu." I let out a small sigh. "My lover was turned one and I used a telapath quirk to ask him. He said my dad forgot about the already made data about his family able to tell orders to the nomu to which we could also understand what they are saying."

Safe to say the detective was ok with me to ask the nomu the questions. Nezu was fine with me being in UA still as well. I did know that Toshinori was not going to trust me much from this day on. It took a while to do everything before going home. Knowing what will happen the second I step into the house.

Word count: 1510

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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