20 year old Shouta Aizawa, a second year college student. He was studying criminal justice to please his parents it what his father did and also his grandfather, but he absolutely hated it his parent's practically forced him to go to school for it even though throughout high school his passion was art, he loved clay, drawing, woodworking he always tried a new skill once just to see if he liked it. But he was miserable. Since his parents weren't paying for his schooling he decided to change his path to art right before he started his second year. He told his parents he was still in the criminal justice department just so they wouldn't chew his head off for "wasting money", the school was paying for him to go away.
  Shouta walked into the unfamiliar class room for his Art 101 class, an introductory class. He wasn't the only one that looked nervous. There were alot of first years just starting college. Shouta got settled onto a stool he still had 15 minutes before class started.
   He's heard about how good looking this professor was but he wasn't expecting a blue haired Greek God to walk in the classroom. The 6'5 tall man, medium length wavy blue hair, full beard, broad shoulders, muscular arms and chest. He wore a necklace that was silver with a cloud charm. The deep voice startled shouta when he spoke.
     "Good after noon students, I'm your professor Oboro Shirakumo, you can call me Oboro, sensei  or Shirakumo, never call me Mr.", he started to write on the chalkboard, "this is ART 101 so if
you're not supposed to be here please leave."
    Shouta has never paid more attention to anyone in his life while they were speaking. "Today we are going to do a preliminary drawing to see where all you stand skill wise we're not going to do boring syllabus shit today. Get out any drawing utensil you want and your sketch books you should have brought and start drawing whatever you want it's 12:30 now class is done at 3 so I want you done with your drawing by 2:30"
    Shouta got his sketchbook out and opened it, grabbing a few pencils, an eraser and a pen from his bag and began to draw after he put his headphones in. He took this seriously wanting to show his skills off. He's been doing art for just over 6 years and he's picked up a good amount of technique for Multiple areas. Oboro would get up and walk around and just look at what students were working on, seeing some with no still at all to students with a lot of skill. He was happy there will be someone to teach in this class and he was also glad he will be able to help the skillful students round out their techniques. Shouta felt a warmth behind him as he was working, he sat up and and barely looked back to see oboro behind him he quickly went back to his work trying to not let a blush appear on his face. He wasn't really expecting him to be watching over his shoulder while he worked. Fuck please go away this is so embarrassing. He hated when people watched him draw or do art, it made him feel like he had no clue what he was doing. Oboro didn't move from where he was for a good 15 minutes just watching shouta, and it was making things difficult for him he was struggling to work Oboro had very distinct smell to him as well, It was a mix of tobacco and sandalwood it wasn't to overpowering and it made his mouth water. Shouta looked up at him and mustered up the courage to speak to the man taking out an earbud.
    "Shirakumo do you think you could not watch me please I don't particularly enjoy when people are hovering over my shoulder"
     "As you wish you have 45 minutes left to draw"
    "Mhm whatever" Shouta put his earbud back in and went back to work after oboro walked away he could finally relax and breathe. Oboro scent definitely lingered around him, he didn't mind though.
    A few students were done after 30 minutes, some after an hour but Shouta took the whole 2 hours. He wanted to give it his best effort, he wanted to impress Oboro.
    He heard the loud voice speak up. "Allright utensil down go hang your drawings up on the display board and stand in front of if when your done"
   The students looked around all waiting for someone else to get up first because they didn't want to do it. Shouta rolled his eyes and got up carefully pining his drawing to the board and standing in front of it the other 14 students all then started to put their work up. Oboro spoke up after everyone got their work up.
     "Some of you utilized your time well while it looks like others didn't care to do this assignment. We aren't here to fuck around if you aren't serious about this class you can just not show up. Now you with the long black hair you're first," he pointed to Shouta, "Everyone you will be telling your name and why you're here I guess i really don't care what you say" Shouta sighed, of course he was made to go first. He was trying really hard to hide his drawing but Oboro motioned for him to step aside and let the class see it, then he spoke up.
     "I'm Shouta Aizawa, I'm 20 years old, this is my second year here and I was previously in the criminal justice course here and I hated it, this is my drawing, it's done in pencil and pen." Oboro walked up to it, getting a closer look seeing it finished. He was studying it closely.
  "Very well done shouta thank you for your hard work."
"T-thank you sir" -He got nervous at how close Oboro was and that he was meticulously looking at his work he watched the older man's eyes move over the dark lines of ink. This seems like a long time for art to be looked at but oboro was still studying it.
   Oboro tacked it back up and continued with everyone else not taking nearly as much time on the others as he did on him, he even chewed out a student for giving him just a stick figure. Shouta watched the man he was so enthralled by him he had no clue why.
  Shouta got lost in a day dream and hadn't noticed the other students were packing up their belongings to leave. He was still standing in front of his drawing, his dark eyes only focused on Oboro.
"Shouta?" Oboro was now standing in front of him. "Are you alright, was there something you needed?"  Shouta was immediately pulled from his day dreaming.
"I'm fine- I should- I'm gonna- I have to go!" -he didn't even grab his drawing from the board, put his hair in front of his face, got his other belongings and ran out of class. It wasn't until he got to a different part of the building to sit down and try to breathe, and waited for his best friend to get out of his class.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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