Ronance study date📚

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(This is like that one scene in s1 with Nancy and Steve but Robin replaces Steve and it's also pretty different)

Robins pov😻

Nancy tackles me onto the soft carpet of her bedroom floor, placing small kisses all over my face. I make a weak attempt to shove her off but because I'm so ticklish I can't help but laugh until my stomach hurts and I'm running out of breath. In an attempt to get Nance off I use the last of my breath to say, "Hey I thought we were supposed to be studying! You're the one that's all serious about grades and shit!" I'm trying to sound serious but all the laughing just ruins it. Thank god that Nancy stops shortly after that lifting herself slightly so that her knees are next to both of my hips and she's hovering above me. "Sorry Rob, you're just so cute it caught me off guard." Woah. Does she really think that? Luckily for me she rolls off to the side before she can see how red my face is getting right now. She gets up and walks over to her desk grabbing a neat stack of rectangular cards held together by a rubber band, she tosses them to me and sits on the bed. I also get up but instead sit on the desk looking down at the question on the card. "Ok Nance, what is the boiling temperature of water?" I ask looking up at her after I finish reading, she furrows her brow a bit and chews on her bottom lip. God she's so beautiful, it drives crazy. She opens her mouth and answers, "212°F" I look back down at the card and sure enough she's right. I just give her a small nod and go back to asking her a shit ton of random questions. After a while I decide to have a little fun, I mean why not after that stunt Wheeler pulled earlier on the floor. "Alright, what is your favorite thing about Robin Buckley?" She looks up at me before grinning with her eyebrow raised. "That's funny because I don't remember Robin Buckley being relevant to sophomore chemistry." I just grin right back at her determined to hear an answer. "Well thats odd cause it's a real question. Now let's hear that answer Nance." She contemplates how to respond but doges the question all together and says, "Ok so let me check out that card." I shake my head and she gets up walking towards me. I raise the cards up and away before she can grab them, she puts her hands on my knees moving my legs before walking in between them and reaching up to take the Flashcards from me. After a second she stops trying to grab at them and cups my face looking slightly down at me because of the height difference with me sitting on the desk. "You wanna know my favorite thing about you Rob? Your eyes, I wanna stare into them forever and just, get lost or something." I feel a small smile creep onto my face and the heat in my cheeks rising again. Trying to play it off cool I reply with, "I kinda thought it'd be something about my appearance but that's cute too Wheeler." She just smirks again and says, "Oh well if it makes you feel better a close second is how nice your body is." She slips her hands under my shirt onto my stomach pushing me slightly into the back wall knocking all the cards onto the floor. I try to grab them but Nancy kisses me motioning my head back up while tilting her head into the kiss. She pulls back and a string of saliva connects our lips, I let out a few heavy breaths. My lips still taste like that vanilla peach chapstick Nancy buys at the drug store down the road from our school. I'm knocked out of my thoughts when a few giggles escape Nancy's lips, "What's so funny?" She just looks back at me with those longing eyes and replies, "Oh nothing, I just think you look cute when you're all flustered like this." I give her a fake pout and hop off her desk to sit down on the bed. I kick off my shoes and flop onto my back, legs still dangling off the mattress. "Your mom said it was cool I crash here for tonight right?" I say tilting my head up a bit to look at Nance, she nods and lays down next to me on her stomach with her head resting on her elbows. She tugs at the cord for her lamp unplugging it and plunging the room into darkness, I can hear her shuffle around before my legs are slid onto the bed. I can feel Nancy's weight shift around me before she rests her head on my chest laying down on me. One of her hands plays with my hair while the other travels under my shirt resting on my stomach. We whisper goodnight to each-other and I let in one big breath taking in the smell of Nancy's perfume and her hair spray. I wish we could do this more often, but whatever, I guess I should just appreciate right now. I feel myself drift off as I close my eyes falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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