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Venerem pov~

Me and Wednesday walk down the hallway I sense what everyone is thinking and feeling I gnore it my black and white hair sways as I float down the hallway "do you always have to do that glide of a walk Venerem" Wednesday questions "of course" I reply we pass pugsley locker we open it due to the banging inside we see pugsley tied up with an apple in his mouth I get him out he slams onto the floor Wednesday kneels and unties him "who dis this" she asks she takes out the apple "I-i don't know it all happened so fast "  we glare at him

"Don't show emotion. Emotion equals weakness"
My neck snaps up I see what happens and who it was that did that to pugsley I go back to happened to Wednesday to we exchange a confused glance We move on "we both know what were going to do venerem" I do a "hmp" in amusement "very well then" we gear to the pool right before their practice I turn into one of my most notorious monster forms

I wait I  the deep end where I am not visable I get ready to summon the killer puffer fish and wait the snobs jump in in herds nearly hitting me I glide through the water I pull down the golden retriever boy he scream Gargoyled  I pull him under after 3 minutes she released the Piranhas  their muffled screaming I release the pufferfish they cling on to every one of the swimmers

one of the piranhas bit off golden retriever boys muter  reproductive part I exit the pool "lets go Wednesday "I say blood soaked mixed with chlorine I morph back to my original form my red gown is now soaked

2 week later ~

I sit in the car with the Addams  mortica and  gomez aka Wednesday's parents their flirting... Ridiculous utterly ridiculous I clear my throat

"ah yes back to the scandal Wednesday and venerem. You are lucky that those boys mother's did press any attempted murder charges now tell me how would that look on you to" mortica asks "it would look fabulous as actual murder but" I comment "horrible everyone would know we failed to get the job done. " me and Wednesday say I'm unison mortica sighs she mentions that she found us a school

"I promise you, my little viper, you will love Nevermore. Won't she, Tish?"
" Of course. It's the perfect school for her."

" Why? Because it was the perfect school for you? I have no interest in following in your footsteps."

I sit their uncomfortably "Becoming captain of the fencing team, Queen of the Dark Prom, President of the Séance Society" I hums a song

as they discuss this little dilemma 

??? Pov Just over here is fine. Thanks. You sure you want to get out here? "The trail might look pretty, but it runs right past Nevermore". "That school for outcasts? Huh". That's a polite way of putting it. I never had a problem with outcasts. My counselor at summer camp was a werewolf. Great guy. Yeah, they're just like you and me, until they rip your throat out. ( chuckles wryly ) Thanks.
( bird caws )
( low, menacing music playing )
( branches snapping )
( ragged breathing )
( creature snarls )
( panicked screaming )
( gate hinges creak )
( ominous music builds )


"Venerem and Wednesday are certainly unique names" principle weems comments as me and Wednesday stare at her my red eyes unblinking and cold "what dose venerem mean and I'm guessing Wednesday was the day you were born?" Principal weems asks her questions spontaneously "venerem translates to Aphrodite in latin" "I was born on Friday the thirteenth" Wednesday says right after me

"Her name comes from a line from my favorite nursery rhyme, "Wednesday's child is full of woe."
Mortica replies smiling  "You always had a unique perspective on the world, Morticia". Principle weems hums 'Hmm.Did your mother tell you we were roommates back in the day?" She grins

"And you graduated with your sanity intact" Wednesday questions I observe as mortica glances at her "Impressive." Wednesday adds on "You've both certainly had a very interesting educational journey. Eight schools in five years." Weems comments as she looks at her computer "They haven't built one strong enough to hold us. We bet this place won't be any different" me and Wednesday say in unison"What our daughters are trying to say is that they greatly appreciates the opportunity." I've noted that weems has an odd sense.. She gives off a odd mysterious vide "Nevermore doesn't usually accept students mid-term, but given Wednesday's and varme- venerem. Its pronounced ven. Er. Em" I interrupt " given Wednesday and venerems perfect grades and your family's long history with the school, I've spoken with the board and we've made an exception." She grins "Larissa, what about their. um... therapy sessions? The court ordered them." Morticia asks my neck snaps in her direction with a popping crackle 

"Hmm. The school has a relationship with a therapist in Jericho. She can meet twice a week."
Gomez sighs happily and turns to us and reassures us  about nevermore and our experience here "We'll see if she survives the first session." I grin deviously for a second and go back to my flat lifeless glare "I've assigned you to your mother's old dorm. Ophelia Hall." Weems hums Morticia gasps and chuckles excitedly "Refresh our memory. Ophelia's the one who kills herself after being driven mad by her family, correct?" Me and Wednesday asks weems looks at us a sense of fear hits me. Excellent  "we've made an exception you with both sleep together In  the same dorm but another student will be with you" we head out and to Ophelia hall we reach the door it opens vibrant colours hit my eye "its so vibrant.. " I comment "howie Roomies!! " a little blonde girl says "Wednesday and venerem this is Enid Sinclair." Enid spreads her arms as if to hug us I stare at her along with Wednesday "uhm are you guys feeling okay you guys look pale " she asks clearly more concerned for me since my face looks dead and stiff my veins are also more noticeable "venerem looks dead all the time and Wednesday only looks half dead"

never mores deadly duoWhere stories live. Discover now