27. Meant to Be

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''The Hand, Your Grace.''

''Say your peace.'' Alicent muttered, Otto looked to Ara wrapped up in the blankets on Alicent's bed sleeping fitfully after the nights adventures.

''Now, what peace is that?'' Otto questioned

'I've conducted myself in a manner... unbefitting my station. Or any other. I lost composure... assaulted the Princess. Already the word is spreading, the gossip speculating that I've gone mad.' Alicent remarked through a sob.

''All true.'' Otto agreed

''I disgraced myself. And ensured my husband's favor will forever rest on her.'' Alicent said with a sneer.

''And yet... I've never seen that side of you, my daughter. I even doubted its existence.''

''It was an ugly thing. I regret it.''

''We play an ugly game. And now, for the first time, I see that you have the determination to win it.''

''Rhaenyra..'' Alicent began.

''You see her for what she is.'' Otto told her.

''What the King's stubbornness has wrought. What will he say to me?'' Alicent said miserably.

''He'll forgive you. What else can he do? Now go to him, be penitent, plead the injury to your son. Keep a grip on your passions. And I promise you, in time, you and I together will prevail.''

''What that rogue Aemond has done in winning Vhagar to our side.''

''The boy was right. It's worth a thousand times the price he paid.'' Otto agreed. "What of Aranyani?"

"Viserys still is forcing her union." Alicent hissed. "She clearly still loves Jace, Viserys took that as meaning to send my baby away, even after what Luke did to Aemond."

"We all know that Ara is more than capable of handling herself." Otto remarked.

"She is, but she shouldnt have to be." Alicent reminded him. "She is still a child, she should be with me, not dragonstone." Alicent whimpered. "She is my baby girl and I have no say in anything."


''Gods. Is everyone all right?'' Laenor said entering the room, he had been in the waters since his sisters send off, he missed all the fun and excitment.

''A broken nose is the worst." Maester Kelvyn remarked stuffing rolled cotton in Luke's nose to help stop the bleeding.

'' Thank you, maester. Leave us.'' Rhaenyra requested ''You as well. You've already found enough trouble today.'' Rhaenyra told her boys

''Yes, Mother." Luke agreed as him and jace left.

''I should've been there.'' Laenor remarked softly.

''Those should be our house words.'' Rhaenyra teased

''I have fought dreadful enemies, but I could not defend my dear sister far from home and in agony. I could not defend you.''

''Sit down. Aemond called our sons bastards.'' Rhaenyra informed him and Laenor sighed as he sat.

''I have failed you, Rhaenyra. Our marriage... I tried. Our boys... I do love them.'' Laenor told her and Rhaenyra knew the truth behind the words.

''I know.'' Rhaenyra assured

''Deeply. But I have not, mayhaps... loved them enough.''

''I had hoped to bear your children. The few times we lay together. Things might've been different.'' Rhaenyra admitted

''I hate the gods for making me as they did.'' Laenor said stiffly.

''I do not. You are an honorable man with a good heart.'' Rhaenyra corrected and Laenor chuckled looking over at her.

''It's a rare thing. We made an arrangement all those years ago to do our duty and... yet explore happiness.'' Laenor reminded her. ''But there are times I think when these things cannot mutually exist. Ser Qarl will return soon to the fighting in the Step stones. But I recommit myself to you. And to strengthening our house as we prepare you for your ascension. I will raise our sons to be princes of the realm.'' Laenor assured her.


''You deserve better than what I have been. You deserve a husband.'' Laenor told her honestly.


"Jace, no!"

"I need to see her. She got hurt." Jace countered knocking on Ara's door but finding her room empty.

"Do you think she is staying at the capital?" Luke asked.

"I don't know..." Jace admitted.

"You think your union is over?"

"No." Jace said immediately. "I love Ara, we are meant to be together."

"My princes." Otto remarked coming out into the hall.

"Hello Lord Hand." They echoed.

"I suppose you are looking for Ara." Otto remarked.

"Yes, my lord." Jace said politely. "I just wanted to make sure she was alright." Otto stared down at Jace, he knew how smitten Ara and Jace were with each other but they were children. Alicent was right, Ara shouldnt be pulled away from her family, she was barely 8 years old.

"She is fine." Otto informed them. "She is with her mother." Jace nodded looking back at Alicent's door. "Best you two get some rest." Otto offered waiting for them to leave before moving away from the door.

"Of course. Goodnight my lord." Jace agreed as they slumped down the hall.

"I will talk to your father-"

"My father doesnt want me to go." Ara whispered back.

"Hush love." Alicent begged. "After today... you mustn't say things like that. Not to anyone."

"But mama, Ser Criston doesnt want me to go, you dont either." Ara begged.

"I know love, I will talk to Viserys in the morrow." Alicent assured. "But I need you to promise me. Ara you need to promise." Alicent begged. Ara sighed leaning into her.

"I promise" Ara agreed softly as Alicent kissed her forehead.

"I will talk to the king. He will see reason."

He did not.

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