"You were having another nightmare." She said. It wasn't a question.

"Yeah." He replied.

"You can't remember this one either?" She asked.

"No." Akira lied.

"Ok..." said Makoto with a sigh. She looked at him lovingly for a second, before looking away. She thought about the day before, and how close they've been to having a full fledged fight.

Come on Makoto. You know what's happening. He's had to endure a lot this week, he's worried about you, he's been under a lot of stress and that's why he's snapping at you. It's not his fault. I just have to lighten up a little. He is doing a lot better now, I can stop being so paranoid about his health and give him some space. This is almost over. I just have to have a little more patience and all of this will be behind us.

"Let's get your wounds cleaned up."

Makoto took out the bottles of medicine and the bandages. Akira removed his shirt and sat still. Makoto removed his bandages and looked carefully at his chest wound. Makoto smiled. It seemed to be completely closed, the deep pink color she had seen over the days almost gone. The rest of his body seemed to be in great shape too. Akira noticed her smiling.

"So, good news?" he asked.

"Yes. I'm not a doctor, but from what I read about this, It seems you're almost completely healed."

"That's good to hear..." Akira said. He then looked down. "I... I missed you last night."

Makoto's heart skipped a beat. "I.. I missed you too." She said. After that, they both kept quiet, worrying that anything they said would have the wrong reaction on the other. They stayed that way until Makoto was done with the treatment.

"I'm done," said Makoto, putting away the medicines and grabbing her bag, getting ready to leave. "I'll ask Tae to come and take a look at you as soon as she can. Depending on what she says I may not need to keep doing this anymore..."

Akira wondered when Makoto got so familiar with the doctor to start calling her by her first name. He wanted to ask her but decided against it.

"Ok... Will you still come later for our walk?"

"If you want me to..." She replied.

"Yes... I'd like that." said Akira, smiling a little.

Makoto looked at him for a second, and returned his smile. "Ok... I'll come back later then."


A couple of hours later, Futaba came upstairs.

"Good morning!"

"Hey Futaba. Good morning to you too." said Akira smiling at the girl.

"Ummm, someone's in a better mood. Something good happen?"

"Yeah... Makoto says my wounds look healed. It seems this is almost over."

"That's great!"


"So... I came here to tell you... I looked into this Sugimura guy."

"Did you find something?"

"Well, yes and no. The thing is, this family has a lot of money, and I think they have a good PR firm managing their image, and that includes Haru's fiance. So when I went digging, I couldn't find anything... Everything about the man was squeaky clean."

"Too clean, right?"

"That's what I thought too. So I went digging a little further and found a couple of articles that mentioned him. The articles were deleted, but their headline's are still indexed on the site. Both headlines mentioned partying, and one of them mentioned Shinjuku. Now, guess what paper ran the articles?"

Persona 5: The Delinquent and his lover: Full EditionWhere stories live. Discover now