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Kouzo walked out of the shower, dried with a towel and walked towards the mirror. He looked at his face intently, his eyes wandering along the scar he had across his face. He could still remember the night it happened, the flashing of the knife, the smell of his blood, the only time he had lost a fight in his life. He usually daydreamed of paying back the pain he felt that day to the man that caused it. It would be so easy. He knew where he was, where his son went to school, he could go and cause him all the pain in the world. But Kouzo was not one to indulge in fantasies. He knew going after personal vendettas would compromise the business, and no matter how much he would enjoy it, he wouldn't risk that.

His phone rang. Recognizing the number he immediately picked up.

"Hey... Yeah, I saw the announcement last night. I've been looking into it like you asked. It's not going to be easy... Sure I can do it, but Okumura is pretty paranoid, and is paying for top notch security. Yeah, him, his daughter, the Sugimura kid, they're all well protected. It's going to take some time, especially if you want it to look like an accident... Ok. I'll let you know."

He hung up. He searched through his contacts and made a call.

"Hey kid. I just got the go ahead on the Okumura thing. I need you to keep up with the surveillance... Yeah, the boss insists on it looking organic, so get that big brain of yours working on how to do it... Ok... Hey, what happened with that other thing I asked you to do?... You did?... Great, keep it up. Don't let that bitch out of your sight."


Please stop... please... I can't watch this anymore... please

Akira was on his knees. He was crying. He couldn't talk anymore, his voice long gone from all the screaming and begging he had done. In front of him were Sae and Makoto, being slowly consumed by the fire that had drawn him there. By his side, the other Akira watched, seemingly pleased with the spectacle, a cruel grin rested across his face.

Please... please... I'll do anything... just don't let them suffer anymore...

Suddenly, the other Akira turned towards him.

"Oh? Are you finally ready to help them?"

What... what am I... what are you saying? I tried to help! I can't move... I'm stuck here...

"Think about it, Akira..." The other Akira said, looking at him with his yellow eyes without blinking, getting close to him and putting a hand on his shoulder. "You're always doing the same thing... you're in the dark so you search desperately for light. You always come here..."

The other Akira leaned towards him and whispered in his ear. As Akira heard what he was saying his eyes grew wider, his breathing faster and faster. He fell backwards and furiously denied what the other Akira was saying with the movement of his head, making futile attempts to scream.

"Why deny it? You moved just fine just now, didn't you? You know it's the truth..."

Akira looked at the other with horror. He then looked at Sae and Makoto, both screaming, both begging for him to help them. Akira stood up and took a step back, then another.

"Wait!" He heard Makoto say, "don't go... Akira? Akira! Akira!! Akira!!!"

He turned around towards the darkness and started walking, each step faster than the last until he was running as fast as his legs could go. He ran and ran into the dark, which seemed to go on and on while he heard Makoto still screaming his name.

"Akira? Akira, wake up!"

He woke up in his bed, his mind still confused. Next to him was Makoto, looking worryingly at him.

Persona 5: The Delinquent and his lover: Full EditionWhere stories live. Discover now