i (edited)

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This chapter was thoroughly edited.


God, I'm nervous. So fucking nervous.

I watch as people go into the office where the interview is taking place and come out sometimes with happy faces and sometimes with sad faces. It remains me and another interviewee.

Let me tell you something, he talks a lot and his talking is making me nervous. My prayer is that he goes in before me, so I have some time to gather myself.

I look around the lobby. Behind the desk is the lady that has been calling numbers, she is looking at her nails closely, as if contemplating if she will need  to visit the salon to change it this weekend. 

The lady that want into the office five minutes ago, steps out. I have been keeping time. When she went in she looked so confident, I envied it. Seeing her now with her shoulders slumped, she looks devastated. It made my nervousness skyrocket. If someone with the confidence she had came out like this. How will I come out? I wondered what happened to her. She passed by us not saying anything.

The guy seating next to number is called next, he stands up and goes into the office.
I take a deep breath to clear my head.

If I didn't get this job, I'd be homeless before this month runs out. The pay should be more than enough to take care of my bills and pay my students loans quicker than I initially planned. I'd be able to save some money and send home to help my parents in Nigeria.

I'll really be grateful to God if I get this job. If my calculations are right. The salary will be able to take me out of my trashy apartment to a better apartment. That thought makes me smile.

A scream from the office, makes my smile disappear. My eyes widens noticeably. The lady at the desk sends me a smile. It looks fake. I have seen a lot of fake smiles to be able to tell. 

Mr chatterbox runs out of the office. Not even stopping till he gets to the elevator. He looked so scared. I'm afraid to find out what happened in there. The lady pretends like she doesn't see it and calls my number.

I get up and smoothening my skirt, the lady looks at my skirt in disgust. I don't blame her, the skirt was originally black but too much washing has made it faded.
I make sure to lift my head high, straightening my posture as I walk pass her to the office where the other interviewees had gone in. I take a deep breath before holding the knob, twisting it and pushing it open. I enter and shut the door behind me.

I turn to the office a man seating on the chair behind the desk. His head is down, working. So I can't see his face.

The office is very big but there's little in it. There are two shelves standing on opposite walls. One filled with awards. The other with ornaments. A large sofa pushed to the wall. There's a blanket sprawled on it with four throw pillows scattered on it. It gives a comfy feel to the minimalistic, cold office. Behind the man's desk is a drawer, so long that it touches both side of the walls.

"Are you done deciding what you want to steal?" An authoritative voice asks, startling me. My eyes dart back to the man.He raises his head up, making few of his brown hair fall on his forehead. He brushes the hair off his forehead to the side. His blue eyes are so cold. They give me chill.

"I'm so sorry, Sir" I apologize, immediately not knowing what to say. I know I was not thief but I couldn't argue about that if I wanted the job.

"Yes you're." he says, sounding sarcastic. Like he didn't believe me. I looked around not sure what to do. "Are you dumb or what? Come sit here." he snaps, pointing to the chairs opposite him.

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