~part 1~

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I've finished my studies and finished my trip in france, taking the train to paris for my flight back to south korea.

I studied cooking in france. Cooking is okay, but I love reading and writing poems. Too bad my parents hate poems and wanted me to become a chef instead of a poetess.

I sighed, looking out the window as snow flakes slowly fall from the sky, covering the land.

The train slowly stopped at a station, me staring at the passenger boarding the train one by one through the window.

I was just dazing with a blank mind when suddenly I heard a woman's voice from the side.

"May I sit here?"

I turned my head towards the voice as I saw a woman in her thirties, looking at me with a smile while waiting for my answer.

"Yeah, sure"

She nodded her head as thank you before sitting down on the seat in front of me as I continued staring out the window.

The train started moving again. I saw a snowflake was stuck at the edge of the window, giving me an idea.

I took out my notebook which I always write small ideas inside and a pencil from my bag, starting to write what I had in my mind.

'Snowflakes falling from the sky, they get piled so mighty high. Each snowflake will melt as ice, when the warmth has come they'll sacrifice'

My lips was curved up into a smile unconsciously as the woman noticed and asked.

"What's that your writing?"

I slammed my note book close to not let her peek inside. I looked at her with my unsecure eyes.

"O-oh, it's nothing"

She reclined back on her seat with a smile as she said. "It's okay, I won't force you if you don't want to"

I slightly smiled back at her as thank you while she's still looking at me.

"I know you'll be happy and successful in the future"

"Mom! Dad!", I ran up to them and hugged them tightly.

"Welcome back, sweetie", they released me from the hug.

"So, how's your life there at france?", Dad ask.

I started to tell them lots and lots of interesting things that happened during my study trip at france.

"You sure had a great time. Let's go home now, sweetie. You need to rest after a long day", mom smiled.

"But mom, can I go to the library? It's still early", I whined.

"Don't tell me your still into poems", mom said in a cold tone.

"Yeah, but-", I got cut off by dad.

"Come on, honey. Give her a break, she've just came back", my dad helped to pacify my mom.

Which he always does to help me get permission to do what I want, but sometimes if mom says no it means 'big fried hamburger chicken' no.

"Fine. Just for today, tomorrow you'll start working in our restaurant", mom sighed.

"Thanks mom, your the best!"

Now  I'm sitting on my seat, reading a book of poems that found interesting.

Usually, I will always come to this library to find ideas for my poems or just to use up my free time.

Poems make me happy and their a part of my life that I can't live without. Beside me and the poets, I've never met or heard someone that likes poems. And that's something weird for me, because poems are just perfect.

I stood up and was walking back to the poem's section until I saw someone standing there.

I saw a boy in the poem's section what?!

I've never seen anyone except me that will actually take something from the selves at that section, they won't even step inside a bit.

I walked closer to him, hiding myself behind the other selves as I was kinda peeking on him and didn't want him to notice.

He's reading my favourite poet's book! William Wordsworth. I slowly walked up to him, taping on his right shoulder.

He turned around and looked at me. Somehow his cold eyes were sending chills down my spine, I didn't know he was this scary.

"You like poems?", I asked.

"Who are you?", He asked eyeing me.

Okay, this is not what I expected.

"Emmm, I'm y/n, nice to meet you", I offered my hand for a handshake.

He just glimpse at it before continuing what he was doing.

"Okay...so, I'm guessing you like William Wordsworth poems?", I asked, nervously.

He placed the book that he was holding back on the shelf before turning to me.

"No", he brushed his shoulder against mine, leaving me standing there a bit shock.

Well, that was rude. He could've just answer my questions politely and I'll not disturb him anymore or maybe I'm a bit, just a bit too annoying.

It's the next morning now, my parents brought me to their restaurant and now we're inside the private room.

"Sweetie, you'll be training with the executive chef here starting today. He's choosing a assistant to work with him on the christmas feast that we'll be having on christmas eve and I'm hoping that's u"

"And you're going to meet him today. I believe you'll make me proud", she holds my hands as I nodded nervously.

Not sure on the proud things since I'll always get dragged away by poems.

The door of the private room open as it reveals a waitress in her neat uniform with her hair tied up into a bun.

"Madam, the executive chef is ready", waitress said.

My mom nodded her head, saying. "Call him in"

The waitress bowed before leaving as another person enters.

Wait... isn't him the guy I met at the library? Why is he here?

My mom and dad stood up from their seat and gave that guy a handshake as he accepted it politely.

Ooh, I see how it goes. He's accepting their handshake and refusing mine. How polite of him.

My mom suddenly sent me a glare for still sitting there like a boss. I quickly stood up, staring at the guy.

"Y/n, meet moon kevin, the executive chef of our restaurant. Kevin this is my daughter, y/n that I've told you before"


Christmas Poem's Moon Kevin FF ~Where stories live. Discover now