Chapter 1

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Marriage doesn't mean a happy ending, it rarely does. There's so many issues that arise in marriage that can lead to problems. Especially when you get into an arranged marriage where the bride and groom don't know anything about each other. However divorce wasn't an option for anyone who married into the Charlotte family.

Thankfully for y/n and Katakuri, they had a good relationship. They didn't have marital problems, despite Katakuri being a quiet man and y/n being so stubborn, they were good at communicating.

There was only one thing that caused stress in their relationship.

Katakuri had returned home from a long day of flour production

The house was quiet and his wife was nowhere to be found. This wasn't normal.

Katakuri walked to their bedroom only to find blood litter all over the floor. He went into full panic, his wife was no where to be seen and there was blood. He followed the trail of blood into their bathroom, the was blood all over the tile. There was y/n, his wife sitting in a pool of her own blood.

She hadn't seen him. Her cries of pain were apparent to Katakuri who cautiously walked toward her.

"Y/n?" He called out to her.

"Kata, I'm fine really. Shit I didn't think you were home." She clearly was trying to hide this from him. He questioned why she would do that.

"Are you okay? Honey, this is a lot of blood." He was very concerned, his wife bleeding an excessive amount for an unknown reason was terrifying.

"Kata I think I'm having a miscarriage." She said with teary eyes. Katakuri got on the floor and hugged his spouse.


The day after seeing the doctor was quiet. Katakuri was his normal silent self but his wife hadn't left their bedroom, that wasn't like her. Katakuri entered their bedroom to find his wife sitting on the couch hugging her knees to her chest. He came to her side and sat down next to her.

"Is there something wrong with me?" She asked quietly.

"No. Why would you say that?"

"This is the third miscarriage I've had. I'm a failure to you and this family." It was true. Y/n and Katakuri have had trouble conceiving since the very beginning. The first time the whole family knew and at 28 weeks the miscarriage happened. Ever since they decided to keep it secret from now on.

"No you're not! Who told you that?" That was a rhetorical question, he knew it was someone in his family. It was either his mother or one of his siblings.

"It doesn't matter, the issue at hand is I can't do the one thing I was brought here to do." She stood up and began to pace around the bedroom. A nervous habit she could never break.

"Y/n please stop. Sit down and take a breath." He asked. She complied and took a seat next to Katakuri on the couch.

"What's happening with everything is not your fault alright?" She didn't want to hear this. They've had this conversation multiple times and every time it was the same response. 'It's not your fault', it was too hard for it not to be her fault. Every time her whole life was blamed on her so now she couldn't believe that being unable to carry a child to term wasn't her fault.

"Listen if we're not meant to have children then it is as it is." Katakuri and y/n could have cared less about kids, they were only doing it to appease Big Mom. However if they could have a child they would love it till the ends of the earth. The universe clearly had different plans for them.

"So you're not mad?" She asked him this every time it happened and every time he had the same response.

"No I'm not." This was the reoccurring conversation for them, like clockwork.

"But-" She stopped talking, afraid she would expose too much to him, however Katakuri knew what she was doing.

"But what? Has someone told you otherwise?" He inquired with his head slightly tilted to the side.

"Yes but if you're saying it's okay I'll be satisfied with that."

"I'm glad, but I would like to talk with the person who lied to you." Katakuri kept pushing. If someone was hurting his wife he wanted to know, so it could be dealt with.

"I'm not going to tell you. Anyways, does mama know about what happened?" She knew better than to feed into his rage.

"She didn't even know about the pregnancy." Katakuri was a mama's boy, she was always the one who came first. However once y/n and him got closer, he realized that his wife was the priority. He'd never tell his mother that but y/n knew in her heart that he had her back.

"Good. I don't need her to berate me anymore on the issue." Linlin was relentless about Katakuri having a child, obsessed with her favorite son's bloodline. To him, y/n was the priority now and he was not putting her health at risk to have a child.

"I won't let her." He brought his hand to her chin and made her look up at him. "I love you." He whispered softly.

"I love you too." She smiled before the couple leaned in for a kiss.

This was their life, their life. Together they could handle this.

Author's note

I finally did it! The sequel to Me and My Sweet Husband is here! I know people have been waiting for this and I hope it meets everyone's expectations.

Author's note 3-25-24
I didn't realize how dedicated y'all are to my fic and it's now sequel. If you didn't see my post on my conversations page. I am a full time university student and I have a full time job to support myself. I plan to work on my fics, including this one, once my semester is done which is in May. I know that isn't what you want to hear and you want an update. Trust me as soon as I can I will update. I appreciate everyone being patient with me. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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