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You watched the lake's fish as they darted around, trying to tell you something. They'd woken you up painfully early in the morning for something that seemed urgent, but you still hadn't been able to decipher exactly what it was.

"Krill, I don't know what you mean when you make that face," you sighed, crossing your arms as you watched the orange pufferfish. Larry swam in circles beneath you, while Cleo went a little deeper, motioning in a way that made you think she wanted you to go under the surface. Having nothing better to do, you obliged, dunking your watery form under the waves.

It was always an awkward feeling when you submerged. After all, your body was made of water, so it almost felt like you were falling apart every time you did. This wasn't the case, as you'd learned to keep your form together very well after spending a full month in it, but it still wasn't something you enjoyed.

Following Cleo to the bottom of the lake, you gave her a questioning look. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Once you were settled on the rocks, she swam upward, bringing your gaze with her. You could see the morning sun seeping in through the surface, casting rays upon you as the water moved. Nothing felt any different, and you gave a shrug to Cleo, who was watching you expectantly.

She swam in circles and you rolled your eyes, getting more frustrated with your companions.

"Yes, we're in the water. What about it?" You asked, your words coming out muffled. Luckily, she still seemed to be able to understand you. "What are you all trying to tell me?" Once again, the little red Medaka swam around, emphasizing the water.

You let out an exasperated sigh, swimming back up to the surface. As far as you could tell, nothing was wrong. The usually crystal clear water was slightly foggier than normal, but that wasn't something that really worried you. This lake was connected to a big river that ran from Qingce Village all the way to Luhua Pool, and any activities done in it could affect the waters here.

"Look guys, I really don't think you have anything to worry about," You told the three fish as you surfaced, pulling your watery hair back out of your face, "There's nothing wrong with the water."

Finally, Krill gave up trying to convince you, swimming away with Cleo. Larry stayed for another moment, making sure you clearly saw his irritation before leaving, too. You sighed, bringing yourself to stand back on top of the water.

Hopefully, they would get over it soon. You didn't like fighting with your only friends, aside from Shenhe, that was.

You were startled out of your thoughts when someone suddenly cleared their throat behind you. Whipping around, you were met with non other than the woman you had just been thinking of.

"Oh, Shenhe," you smiled, letting your heart calm as you came back to the shore, "I didn't see you there."

"Hello, Y/n." The white-haired woman replied with a nod, taking a seat on the rock she usually did. You noticed how her movements seemed stiff, as if she were sore or in pain. You decided not to press her on it, though, for fear of coming off as annoying. You just hoped she was alright.

"Where is Larry?" Shenhe questioned, looking around for the Betta, who had made a routine out of coming to greet her at the shore whenever she arrived.

"Oh, he's just a little grumpy today," you replied, plopping down on the sand but leaving your feet in the water, where you could feel the waves lap against them, "He'll be fine tomorrow, though." She nodded, gently setting her bag on the ground as she moved to sit next to you.

"I see." The conversation died out from there, and you realized it had already been several days since she last visited the pools and stayed the night. Had your relationship become that awkward again in such a short time?

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