Chpt. 1

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My eyes open and I'm taken back by the brightness of the room. Turning onto my side and grabbing my phone, I check the time. Realizing its 11 am I slowly move the covers off my body and put my legs over the side of the bed. Standing up and stretching, I move over to get dressed. Staying in a hospital has its perks like the cafeteria and the fact I don't have to make my own food.  

After throwing some clothes on, I open the door and leave room number 310.  I decide today to walk down the stairs to the cafeteria needing to move my legs. I pick out something nutritious and pay for the food with the discount I get.  I choose a table close to the opening of the cafeteria and sit down. As I eat, I start to people watch.

People are interesting. Everyone has a different perk. For example, the man in the corner who doesn't eat without his pinky in the air or the women working at the counter who always licks her lips before talking to someone. Finishing up my meal, I get up and throw out my trash. 

Wondering if I should go back to my room or get myself lost exploring the hospital, I decide to skip floor 3 and go to the eighth floor. The words on the wall tell me this floor is for the Cystic Fibrosis patients.

5 Feet CloserNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ