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Oleander Fallows was never the main character. Omera Fallows is the main character, with a horrible backstory. Omera was the child of Oleander's mother and another of her bonded. Oleander and Omera have different dads but are twins because they were both born at the same time. Their mum had released two eggs (ovum), so both were fertilized, hence they became twins. They also have an older brother, Chris. He was the first born and also has a different father. Their mother had a child with each of her bonded and they all have different gifts. Oleander had the gift of a Nuro, who would have been just as strong as Gryphon. Chris is a powerful Technokentic, who had a lot of potential. Omera was born with the God-Bond.

When they were taken, they were all taken. Oli was the first to meet Silas. She was raped by him and ended up giving birth to a child.

Two Days After Oli Gave Birth:

"Have you thought of a name yet Oli?" I asked and she shook her head. Chris and I were ecstatic to finally have a nephew. Suddenly a guard came and took him away from us. Oli screamed but we were all taken to his tent.

"Oleander. I hope you are well." He says with a happiness he doesn't deserve. None of his bonded have given him a child, as far as I know, and now he finally has an heir. From a rape. "Omera, are you ready to give up the names of your Bonds?" He asked me and he already knows the answer. "Before you say anything, know you have a choice. You can either, give me the names of your Bonds, have a consequence or you see if I am one of your Bonds." I am in shock, he wants me to have sex with him.

'Not happening.'

"I will take the consequence." I inform him. The look he gives me forces shivers to run down my spine. I know I am not going to like what happens next.

"Fine, but only know that you can't take it back." He says. Then he takes Oli onto the table, despite Chris and I screaming. He beats her for hours and rapes her one last time. Guards are standing behind us and if we looks away, we get whipped with a leather whip with metal spikes on it. The spikes are dripped in poison, so even if they have only made a small gash, it feels as if we have been ripped open and turned inside out.

"I am sorry this had to happen Oleander. I am sorry that you don't get to know our child." He says before he plunges the blade into her throat and leaves the blade. You can hear her choke as she slowly bleeds out. We beg for him to put her out of her misery, but he only walks out and lets us listen.

Back to the Present:

Oli's child was only two days old, and he had not been named, so we named him Oli. Chris and I took him with us when we escaped. We used to visit this place that Oli, Chris, and I all basically lived at. A secret hideout. We came here with our best friends, Kieran, Gryphon, North and Nox. Before we left, we made sure that none of them remembered this place, or me and Oli. Chris was the only one they remembered, but that was it. A code word was put into place so if they ever needed to remember, we could make it happen. Each has a different code word, their nick names that only we called them, but they can be called the nick name by others, only our voice can activate the memories. We made sure Kieran remembered this place so if anything, ever happened, we could make sure that he would see to us.

Chris died next. He saved me and Oli from the Resistance when Oli was two. I took him to the place we always went at the exact time and place. I knew Kieren would be there, so I placed his body, wrapped in the centre of the park. I watched and waited as tears feel for Kieren to show up. As soon as he did, I watched the horror at finding my brother there, on the ground dead. He called Gryphon, North, and Nox to come and see him. They all remembered him. We listened in on their conversation and went to the site they buried him at. At least now I know he can join my sister, and finally be safe from harm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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