The Bar

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Quackity POV:

My friends invited me to go out tonight to a bar. So I was getting ready by showering and then changing into a black hoodie. I know as a male omega I really shouldn't be going out much but, I have a scent-canceling clone that can for a bit make me smell like a beta. I put some clone on and take a mini bottle of some more clone and put it away in my pocket. I see a text on my phone saying my friends were outside waiting for me so I made my way downstairs. 

"Bye, mom I'll see you later!"

"Ok, hon have fun."

I enter my friend's car and was greeted by the three others 

(NOTE: These "friends" aren't DSMP members! They're just random bozos)

We start driving over to the bar and arrive at the location 

Friend's POV:

About a week ago we found out Quackity was actually an Omega and were all tight on money so together we deiced to sell him off to the highest-paying Alpha. The alpha we sold him off to paid us 1 million each to get him alone so he can kidnap Quackity. 

Quackity POV:

We had been to the bar for a bit and had a few drinks. I'm not much of a drinker so I was feeling a bit tipsy. I noticed my friends went over to go flirt with some girls so I was left alone at the bar table. Just then a tall man wearing a suit and a baseball cap came and sat next to me. I noticed he was an alpha just by looking at him. I smelled the air for a bit and noticed his alpha scent was really strong. He smelled like whiskey and smoke his smell was almost intoxicating. I knew I had to be careful because I was drunk and my instincts might act up around him. 

"Hey, cutie what's your name?"

I looked at him a bit flustered 

"Oh names Quackity.."

He scooted over a bit closer

"Can I buy you a drink Quackity?"

"Oh uh" 'Quick think of a lie to get out of here' I thought

"I have a boyfriend-"

He looked down to my neck

(In this world betas or omegas wear a collar if they are mated by an alpha or another beta)


"I don't see you have a collar on. Come on let's just have a few drinks together" He said

"I guess but me and my friends are probably leaving soon-"

"Some friends leaving you all alone at a bar."

I looked down a sighed. Although I didn't want to talk to this guy my friends did leave me.

"I guess I'll have a few drinks. What's your name anyway?"

"Names Shlatt."

Before I drank the first drink I quickly went to the bathroom to re-apply the clone so Shaltt can't smell that I'm an omega. 

Shlatt POV:

Once Quackity left I got both of us drinks but drugged his. The drug makes anyone who consumes it allow their instincts to take over. I looked down to a text on my phone from the dudes who I bought Quackity from. 

'Now that you saw him would you like to buy him?'

'I'll be keeping him'

'great now wheres is our money?'

'Meet my boys outside'

I told them they would get payed outside but the truth is my workers are waiting to kill the guys. I mean I like Quackity but I'm not paying that much money for something I can have for free. Just then Quackity came back.

No ones POV:

Quackity sat back down and started drinking a bit with Schlatt. After Quackity finished the whole drink he was out of it. Schlatt on the other hand was a heavy drinker so he still felt normal. Quackity without noticing was releasing his Omega scents out. Schlatt put his hand around Quackity so other Alpha's wouldn't distract him. Quackity was really out of it so he was acting very flirty with Schlatt. After a while Quackity sat down in Schlatts lap. Schlatt grabbed Quackitys chin and started making out with him. Then, Quackity sat right on top of schlatt. Schlatt chuckled and rubbed quackity's thighs with his hands. Quakity without realizing was guiding schlatts hands on where he wanted schlatt to touch him on his thighs. Schlatt then was giving hickeys to quackity. Quackity then put himself into submission

(Any Omega can put themselves into submission or can be put into submission by an alpha)

"Wow someones needy~"

Quackity POV

'Fuck what's wrong with me?' I thought. Something feels off about me ever since Schlatt and I started drinking I've done more Omega stuff. I didn't even realize that I let out my real scent until I saw schlatts face change. I couldn't control myself for some reason. My Omega was begging for Schlatt to touch me or kiss me. My vision was really blurry until I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, Quackity What's up?" 

I looked and was able to snap out of whatever just happened. It was another friend of mine.


"YUP. Anyways I was gonna ask if-" 

I saw Karl look up at the man on top of me. Schlatt kept caressing my thighs which made my omega even crazier. I tried getting up but my body was limp. 'wha? FUCK' I forgot my omega put itself into submission. 

(Once in submission the omega can't leave the alpha because it basically let the alpha take control over the omega's body.)

"Umm I'll catch up with you later.." Karl started walking away

"Wait karl-"

Karl walked away before I could go after him. I somehow managed to get off of Schlatt but stumbled as soon as I tried walking. Schlatt got up and followed behind me. All I remember is passing out and feeling someone catching me.

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