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Rosalie's POV-
I notice that Harper is using a notebook rather than a sketchbook. After fifteen minutes, I decide to satisfy my curiosity.
"Hey, sorry to bother you,but what are you doing?" I ask.
"Um, I like photography. I'm, uh, planning the photos. And somethings I could do with biro."
"What are you, um, doing?"
"Currently, I'm doing the view from my bedroom window."
"Is that the frame?" She asks, pointing to the gap at the top.
"That's so cool."
She goes back to her notebook. I look over and she's got three very basic sketches. Two have the word photo under them and one has the word biro. She taps her pen against the paper, before getting out a pencil, rubber and sketchbook. She puts in an earbud and starts her music. There's a photo of two people playing rock, paper, scissors sitting on a car. They're laughing about something. She starts sketching the basic shape of the car and I turn back to my own art, subtly looking at her every so often.

When the bell rings, we have break. She says a quick goodbye to me, before going to her car. I go to my siblings, but only half pay attention to their conversation. I mostly think about Harper, about our conversation in art. It's the most we've spoken, but already I'm beginning to like her for her, not just the mate bond. She has good music taste from what I could hear, and she just seems like a good person.
"Rose, please tell Emmett his idea's stupid," Edward tells me.
"Em, you're idea is stupid."
"You weren't even listening," he protests.
"I know you well enough to know that your idea is probably stupid."
"Hear me out, smoothies, are fruit soups."
"Emmett, your idea is fucking stupid."
"What did you mean?"
"Smoothies are not soup. Soup is soup."
"Smoothie arguably could be soup"
"Soup: a liquid dish, typically savoury and made by boiling meat, fish, or vegetables etc. in stock or water," Edward tells us, reading from his phone, "therefore, smoothies are not soup."
"I stand by my point."
"You're disagreeing with definitions now?"
"It's the internet. You can never trust the internet."
"Do I have to get an Oxford dictionary?"
"Alice, help me."
I zone out from the conversation again. I look over Edward's shoulder to Harper. She's sitting in her car, scrolling through her phone with a smile on her face. Alice taps my shoulder.
"You're going to be happy with her," she tells me.
"What have you seen?" I ask her.
"You'll see."
"How cryptic."
"What? You will."

Harper comes up to me when break is nearly over.
"Hi, um, I'm sorry but can you help me find..." she checks her timetable, "room 12."
"Biology with Mr Wells?"
"I think so?
"My brother, Jasper, is in that class. He says the teachers good."
We walk in silence to her classroom, before she asks me, "what l-lesson do you have?"
"French. Madame Pierce."
"Toit." She turns to me smiling, with a raised eyebrow. I shrug before saying, "I understand that reference."
"I understand that reference."
"What do you have after this?"
"Music, Mrs Hill."
"Same. Guess I'll see you then."
"Um yeah, I guess so."

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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