Chapter 31

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"The entertainment district?" Tanjiro repeated, and Zenitsu gasped.

"W-Well y-you know, the place with all the beautif-ful, the sh-shapely y-you get what I'm trying to say, right, come on?!" Zenitsu stuttered, overexcited for this mission.

"Huh?" Tanjiro and Inosuke hummed, and I sighed, shaking my head.

"Listen up! I am a god! You four are trash!" Uzui yelled, shifting as I guess he struck a pose. The rest of us froze, surprised he was so blunt with calling us garbage.

"That's the first bit of info you need to pound into your heads! So drive it in! You turn into dogs if I say so! Turn into monkeys if I tell you! So be ready to bend over backwards cater to my every whim, and worship me endlessly! And remember above all else, I am a god!" He yelled, striking another pose.

"Wow." I stated, still processing the outrageous things that came out of his mouth. He kind of reminds me of another hot-headed boy I know.

"Don't think you escaped because these three came with you! You've also got to obey my every command!" He yelled, and I sensed his arm shift as he pointed at me.

"Okay." I bluntly replied. I mean, he is a Hashira after all. I sensed Zenitsu jump, probably surprised at my casual answer.

"Quick question, Lord Uzui, what exactly are you the god of?" Tanjiro asked, shooting his hand in the air. Zenitsu darkened again, hardly believing we were really going along with this.

"Good question, pupil. You have great potential. I am the god of festivals. The god of flashiness." He answered, and I heard the jewels on him jingle as he posed again.

"Well I am the king of the mountains! It's a pleasure to meet you, god of festivals!" Inosuke introduced, and everyone turned towards him in confusion.

"I've never heard of you, that's odd. Something about you creeps me out." Uzui stated, and I jumped slightly. Really?! But they're so similar!

"You want creepy?! I'll show you creepy!" Inosuke yelled, trying to lunge at Uzui. I caught him, wrapping my arms around the boy as I held him back.

"Take it easy, Inosuke!" Tanjiro yelled, trying to calm the wild boy down.

"What does that even mean?" I muttered, sighing as Inosuke kept squirming.

"Super creepy." Uzui repeated, unimpressed by the show Inosuke was putting on. This further pissed Inosuke off, causing him to try and attack Uzui even more, and I struggled to hold him back.

"Alright. That's enough foolin' around." Uzui stated, ignoring Inosuke as he turned around. "Let's go. Follow me." And with that, he sprinted off, literally leaving us in the dust.

"He disappeared?! Look, he's fast! Look how far he got!" Zenitsu exclaimed.

"It's that same speed from before..." I mumbled, letting Inosuke go.

"He's the size of a sesame seed!" Zenitsu yelled, and I tilted my head, picturing a sesame seed.

"Sesame seed?" I repeated quietly, lifting my hand, and closing my fingers to about the size of a sesame seed.

"So this is the power of the god of festivals!" Inosuke shook, no longer trying to kill the man.

"No way, he's just Mr. Uzui Tengen, a hashira." Tanjiro replied.

"What are you waiting for, we have to go after him!" Zenitsu yelled, running forwards.

"Please be careful! Safe travels!" The girls yelled from behind us as we started running after the Hashira, who was well ahead of us.

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