Chapter 8

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I sensed one ball heading straight for me, and the other heading for Tanjiro.

Total Concentration. Spirit Breathing, Second Form. Piercing Spirit.

I slashed my sword across the ball, leaving a trail of spiritual mist. My blade dug into the ball, but didn't go all the way through. I pushed harder down on my sword, and split the ball cleanly into two.

"Oh no! You cut my ball in half!" The demon girl cried. "Just kidding!" She giggled, and I gasped lightly as I sensed the two halfs mending back together, creating a whole ball again.

Tanjiro had stabbed the ball, but she recollected both of them again.

"Yushiro. Yushiro." Tamayo called out to the headless demon. Unsettling noises emitted from him as his head began regenerating.

"Lady Tamayo! I told you already. I told you we must not get involved with the demon slayer from the start. My Blindfold isn't perfect. You should know that clearly. Even that blind girl saw through it!" Yushiro exclaimed, and I raised a brow.

"Although I could hide the house, smell, and breath of people, but the actual existence won't disappear. More people will leave more traces. The chance of being discovered by Kibutsuji is higher as well!" He yelled at the woman.

"Anyone who interrupts my time with you. I hate them. I really hate them! I won't forgive them!" Yushiro yelled, fully regenerated by now.

"This is fun!" The demon girl laughed. Various vibrations emitted from her, and I tensed. Suddenly, four more arms shot out of her, and I gasped.

"This is fun! You should be honored to be killed by me, one of the Twelve Demon Moons!" She yelled, and gathered six balls in total now.

"Twelve Demon Moons?" Tanjiro repeated.

"They are direct subordinates of Kibutsuji." Tamayo answered.

"All three of them are?" I asked, and the demon girl let out another crazy laughing fit.

"All right, let's keep playing Until the sun comes up! Until you die!" She screamed, lifting her arms. She threw all six balls, and they bounced around the room chaotically.

I jumped around the room, dodging the balls as they flew towards me. I cut some of them in half if they came too close, but it didn't really help.

"Lady Tamayo! Yushiro!" Tanjiro yelled as the balls grazed the two of them.

"Ignore us! We can heal our wounds!" Tamayo called out.

"Hey, useless demon slayer! You'll know its direction if you look at the arrow! Dodge the arrows!" Yushiro called out.

"Uh..." I muttered, continuing to dodge the balls.

"Arrows?" Tanjiro asked.

"Seriously, you can't even see that? I'll lend you my sight!" He yelled, and threw something at us. A piece of paper landed on my forehead, but I didn't see anything different.

"I'm blind. Did you forget?" I asked, letting out a nervous chuckle.

"Ugh! You stupid demon slayers!" Yushiro yelled, and I dodged another ball.

"Once you see the arrows, you should be able to chop off that handball girl's head!" He called out and I sighed.

"I can't see anything..." I mumbled, slicing another ball in half.

"Yushiro, thank you. I can see the arrows now!" Tanjiro called out.

"If that's the case, end it!" Yushiro yelled, and I sensed Nezuko come back from inside.

◇INDIGO◇ (Inosuke x OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz