chapter 1

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Two month later.

"Ivory Rose Winters! Get your butt out of bed and get dressed for school." my mother yelled for probably the fifth time, but since i'm a heavy sleeper i just woke up.

"Coming, coming." i threw the covers off and tried to move my legs but they were being weighed down. "Sammy get up and help me find clothes." the wooly mammoth jumped off the bed leaving my legs crashed.

"Well thanks a lot, now i'm going to be limping to school." i huffed.

Sammy jumped on my lap and licked my face. "Alls forgiven." i smiled.

"Now, move move!" i yelled in a deep voice, "Sargent Sammy Winters, Your job is to find me a presentable and cute outfit for school. Go!" i yelled and ran to the bathroom.

This happens every morning, one because i don't have a alarm clock, two because i have no fashion sense, and three because I really don't care what people think of me.

They don't notice me anyways.

After taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth, i came out to see my clothes layed out on my bed. I look to Sammy and smiled.

I can just imagine him in a small suit saying:

"Anything else m'lady." i gigged at the thought as i slipped my clothes on, when i looked in the mirror my jaw dropped.

I was wearing black legging with a blue floral skirt and a black top that had a bead dazzle skull with a black coat that only reached my mid waist.

"What the heck Sammy?!" i didn't even know i owned clothes like this. Sammy barked, i swear i saw him smile.

"I am not going out like th-"

"Ivory, time to go!"

"Coming mom." i goaned, "When i come home there's gonna be no where for you to hide." i pointed at him, slowly closing the door, but not before giving him my famous 'evil eyes'

He gulped and i left the house with a satisfied smile.

"Wow, what happen to you?" Josh asked, "The dog." i replied getting into the car.

"You really have to stop letting a saint bernard dress you."

"Hey, he has a better fashion sense then i do." i shrugged, "Well that's true." he laughed.


"Love you?"

"Mhmmm." i stared at him, "Okay, okay i'm sorry. Just don't stare at me with those eyes!" he shivered, i smiled widely.


"Bye guys" i yelled over my shoulder, as i walked up the steps of Burgess high.

"Oh my gosh! Rosie, you look amazing!" my best friend Cindy shrieked. "Who the heck dressed you?!"

I stared at her blankly.
"The dog."

"Boy, that pup got style." Cindy smiled.

Cindy and i have been friends since we were six, our personalities are some what different, she outgoing, confident, while i'm more quiet and shy. But she's still the sister i never had.

"Speaking about boys, in coming!" the second she said that the scent of expensive Cologne filled the halls, and i knew exactly who it was.

I pushed Cindy aside and took a quick peek in her locker mirror. "Ugh!" my hair's a mess, it was still damp at the tips and i had not a bit of makeup on. I never do.

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