Chapter 1

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Scarlett's pov
"Scar, come down here please," my mother called me from downstairs. "I'm coming, just give me a second Mom!" I shouted in response. As I was walking downstairs I saw my parents waiting for me. "We have some good news. You're finally old enough to attend the same school your mother and I attended, so we decided to enrol you there, but of course, we needed consent from you first. We know how much you love seeing us in action and training with us so we just thought you might want to start where we started." A wave of excitement flooded through me as I heard those words come out of my father's mouth. I've always wanted to go to that school. Hearing so many stories from my parents made me want to attend it and experience it all for myself. I had to contain myself or I would've been jumping up and down from pure excitement. "Are you serious, of course I want to go there!"
"Ok then, we'll fill out the paperwork to enrol you tomorrow."
Just then, my mother's best friend walked through our black-painted front door.
"Good day people I actually love in this fucked up world!" She shouted as she walked through the doors. "Aunt Tahlia!" I screamed in excitement as I ran towards her. She looked as gorgeous as always. Her beige suit coupled with the dark brown turtleneck, which was tucked in her pants, really complemented her beautiful deep brown hair with lighter shaded streaks.
"Hey, Scar," she greeted while hugging me. Aunt Tahlia was not really my aunt. We're not really related at all. She's just been there for me through everything, and I've looked up to her. My parents and Aunt Tahlia were my biggest role models in life. "Hey T," my mother greeted her. "What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be on at work?" My father asked.
"First of all, that's a very rude way of greeting someone. Second, no I had been sent on a mission but I finished early. Now I'm here with you bitches."
"Anyway, what are we talking about?" She asked as she sat down on a single couch. "We were asking Scar if we should enrol her into Assassins Den. Wait, you work there, can't you do us a favour and get us the paperwork to enrol her there?"
"Oh easy, I'll even fill it out myself so it's quicker. I do know everything about this gremlin here." That was true. Aunt Tahlia and I  talked about everything to each other, she knew more about me than I knew about myself. But there's one thing I just found out recently.
"Wait, wait, wait, just pause and rewind. You work at Assassins Den and didn't care to tell me?" I exclaimed.
"Yes, are you sure I didn't tell you?"
"I think I would have remembered if you had told me this."
"Well sorry, I guess. As I was saying, I'll be done by tonight so don't worry, I'll also have you start tomorrow"
"Thanks a bunch, love, I owe you one." my mother thanked her.
Just then my older brother, Daniel, was walking down the stairs rubbing his eyes; he looked like he had just woken up. "Aunt T! When did you get here?" He asked surprised.
"Hey D, I got here a while ago. Where were you?"
"As always, anyways, I've got exciting news for you," I said impatiently.
"Spit it out then."
"I'm getting enrolled at Assassins Den!"
"Wait, are you serious?"
"So I have to see your annoying ass every day now?"
"Oh piss off." I spat at him.
"I'm just joking get over here." He said while gesturing for me to hug him. I got up from my seat and hugged him tightly. "Don't get into any fights while you're there. Ok?"
"Yea ok," I said rolling my eyes at him.
"I'm serious. Since we are going to be in the same school, we should leave a mark at that school. Like mom and dad did. They're known as ''The Night Terrors'."
"Why was that your duo name?" I asked turning to my father.
"Because we always attacked at night." my father explains.
"See so I was thinking we could be ''The Twin Blades'. Doesn't that sound cool?"
"Yes, it does. But you know that no one's going to call us that right?"
"Well, why not?"
"First of all, we would have to be partnered up and kill people if you'd want us to be called that, and second we wouldn't get partnered up because we're not the same age so we're not going to be in the same grade."
"But we're only two years apart."
"Scar's right. Would you look at that? She's not even in the school yet and she already knows the drill." Aunt Tahlia chimed in.
"I have to go back to work and fill in the forms. See you tomorrow Scar."
"See you, Aunt Tahlia."
"I'm going to bed. I've had enough excitement for today." I said as I was yawning. I walked up the stairs and into my room and closed the door behind me. I went into the bathroom that was in my room and turned on the shower. I could really use a nice, hot and steamy shower right now, I thought to myself. I started taking off my clothes and hopped in the shower. This feels amazing. The hot water started trickling down my skin, soothing me, and making me feel at ease.
Nearly blank-headed, only one thing was on my mind. Make your mark at that school as your parents did! I was going to be the next best assassin at that school, right after my parents. I would become the best and have the rest of them eat my dust. It might've sounded arrogant, but I didn't care. It was what I'd adapted to at my old school. Help no one but yourself and always be the best. No one is going to be there for you in the real world. I hated that school so much, but I had to give them credit, their teaching methods were good. That was the only reason I stayed in that hell hole. The number of bullies at that school that had gotten away with everything they had done astounded me. And what pissed me off more was that I couldn't do anything but keep my head down or watch. I had to be on the low or someone might've gotten seriously hurt, maybe even killed. As I was thinking about it, I realized I didn't want to be like the people in my old school. I wanted to be better than them, so I could help out here and there with people who might've needed it. But I was not letting anyone surpass me; they may be on the same level but never higher than me.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. Wiping the condensation off the mirror to see myself, I brushed my teeth, and then combed my short, jet-black, skater mullet hair.
    I got into my sleepwear and switched off my room light. I climbed into bed and watched tiktoks on my phone for a while to fall asleep. After scrolling for a few minutes, I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier. It was hard trying to keep my eyes open and I finally fell asleep.

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