Prompt: First encounters.

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Parker is screwed up because of his grades and his only choice to improve is to accept help from a girl he used to know from childhood.

Prompt: First encounters.

Parker Langerak left the office of the principal, then gazed across the hall to spot his best friend Ethan walking along with his girlfriend Bebe Hart across the hall heading to the small playground in the middle, where the teens were meant to sit or play foosball with each other, Parker watched the classmate from the other 10th grade Davy Linnell along with Michael Bachelor play against VJ Alvi on the foosball table and the duo stopped beside the table to observe them. Parker moved across the hall watching his best friend tell Bebe something before she began to laugh about it.

„Why did I believe, that between the two nothing would happen? Am I really this stupid?" Questioned Parker himself moving toward the library, which was a small room with a large window separating the hall from the room. Parker placed his hand on the handle of the door, then shove it against the room, followed by crashing with his arm against the glass. Parker frowned and shove the door a few times forward, seeing it didn't open. Parker afterward pulled the door back, realizing he had been doing it wrong, and entered with an amused face by the mistake.

„You're really like your dad," Said a voice calling the attention of Parker, which spotted his Aunt Zelda sitting in front of the computer looking at her nephew.

„Aunt Zelda?" Spoke Parker surprised. „I had no idea you had library today,"

„ Mrs. Wainwright got sick, so I had to take her place for today," Responded Zelda getting back from the computer to focus on her nephew. „You're here for any books? I've heard from Arthur, that you were doing terribly....and your mother, your father, your sister......"Zelda began to count down, while Parker nodded slowly getting bugged by her counting.

„I know, I know. I don't need any more complaints in my life. I'm here to look for any books related to technical progress. I know Ethan took them from here. I used to be with him before,"

„Good, science and math are on the purple shelf. Remember it's sorted after class levels. Row ten is yours," Warned Zelda making Parker nod.

„Thank you, tia," Responded Parker, then walked to the second corridor to look for the purple shelf, afterward he stepped aside and got to the third one to encounter the said shelf. As he saw, he wasn't the only student to look for a book. There was a short-haired brunette girl in a green pullover and brown pants seeking through the shelf for something as well.

„ Hey I think I know her," Parker mumbled to himself observing the girl take out a book to check the summary behind it. The girl didn't turn her face away from the book, then Parker approached the girl and glimpsed up at the available books to see, she had taken one out from the 10-level shelf, which he needed to give a look into.

„You're also in the tenth grade, right?" Asked Parker shrieking River, which flipped the book up and watched it fall down at Parker's head, making him twitch his head upon the impact. „Woah....."

„Oh I'm sorry!" Apologized the brunette embarrassed. „I was deepened in the summary and I assumed you were someone else," River commented watching Parker hand her the book back, then moved the summary up to read it carefully.

„Uh that's for scien......"

„I assumed you were Michael....." River began, then saw she had interrupted Parker's sentence. „Sorry,"

„Sorry....." Parker apologized as well, afterward, both chuckled at the awkward situation. „Go on, I wait,"

„ Nothing special. I thought you were Michael Bachelor. You know the athlete from the Bachelor family,"

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