„I don't know, but he seems less overprotective towards me when Rouven's around. He's now very cool with him," Stated Ruby making River nod.

„ Anything else?" Questioned River making Ruby shrug her shoulders and look at Robert.

„ He didn't have dinner with us before, not the other days," Robert mentioned making River wide her eyes confused.

„How did you eat?" Questioned River watching Ruby soothe her mother down to not overreact.

„Don't worry, we still had dinner. He made it for us, just he didn't eat. He said he's not hungry,"

„ I will talk with him and see, what's going on," Commented River earning a nod from the kids, then she patted the two on their heads. „Stay up as long as you desire," River allowed making her way across the living room to enter the bedroom to see her husband had already got dressed for bed and lied uncovered on the bed facing the night table, where the alarm clock stood along with a prom picture of the two, which was taken over 15 years ago. River walked past the bed and got on top of it to crawl slowly towards her husband to spot the man with his eyes closed, while the light on her side was turned on. The brunette leaned her chin over his shoulder, then tickled him under his chin making him open up his eyes revealing to not be asleep yet.

„Again going so early to bed?" Questioned River earning a nod from her husband. „That's very unusual from you. Is everything okay?"

„Yes," Responded Parker looking away from his wife, then felt her lie her cheek against his shoulder, while looking in the same direction as him. „You know, Zelda spoke to me before at the work and was worried about you. I heard her story and asked our kids as well. Is there something bothering you?" Questioned River seeing Parker not responding to her. „ You know you can trust me. We have been telling us everything in the past 15 years. No matter how dark your issue is, I want to help you,"

„ I don't really know, what the problem is either. I feel like...... everything around me, my life is........so repetitive," Parker mentioned, followed by seeing River sit up to listen to him.

„How do you mean repetitive?" Questioned River watching Parker lie on his back to face the woman.

„ I do the same things over and over again. It's the same routine. I wake up, I go to work, I eat, watch TV, go back to bed. I wake up again, I go to work again......you know this,"

„ You thought about doing something with our kids?"

„Robert and I played soccer sometimes on the outside, but you know he's got his club he's practicing with, so he barely plays anymore, so we just end up sitting on the couch together. Somehow I still feel empty,"

„And Ruby's most of the times busy with her friends,"

„Exactly....." Commented Parker making River nod and lie back on the mattress to gaze at her husband to assist with help.

„ Do you think the current state of your life is a little monotous? By the way you described it?"

„ I think so. The same deeds, the same people, same chats everyday," Responded Parker slightly unsure. „I have nothing against our people. It's just......I feel like things used to be better before,"

„How... ..many years ago?" Questioned River a little perplexed about, what he really meant.

„When we could be more often together with our children, visiting our parents and hang out alltogether. We've been now deepened into ours jobs, that we haven't been often out together somewhere, neither us two only or with the kids,"

„ Well, I got to admit, I didn't think upon becoming a componist, things at work would get complicated. I feel like it gets harder to be productive," River mentioned. „Are you disappointed, that you couldn't follow your dream of an ice hockey player, because of mine?"

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