𝟐𝟑. From Sand To Sand

Start from the beginning

Marc clears his throat, watching as others climb up. "Right."

Steven, who's by now the sanest one, which says a lot about the low they just reached, stares at the guy with the knife. "Marc, they don't seem very friendly."

He immediately hushers them to the side. "Hide," he tells them. "Hide."

Noor swats his hand away. "Absolutely not, fuck that." She tries to summon the Armour, but nothing happens. She slowly turns to stare at Zagreus. "Where's the Armour?"

Zagreus huffs. "You said you didn't want it?"

She blinks. "Oh so now what I feel is important?"

"I can't use them here anyway, it's Neutral Grounds!"

"Can we please not go there while fighting with sand-zombies?" Marc pleads, still hushering Noor away.

She puts her hands on top of his around her waist, pushing them away. "No, let's, I can multitask. I definitely have enough rage in me to fight sand."

"Noor, on a good day you have enough rage to fight God," Steven tells her, tugging at her hand to take her with him somewhere safe. "Come on, please."

Steven's plea makes her cave instantly, and she raises a warning finger at Zagreus. "This is nowhere near done." Then, she points at Marc. "And you better stay alive."

"Yes ma'am," they say at the same time.

She goes with Steven behind the stern, as Marc and Zagreus ready themselves. "Never thought I'd be fighting with you side by side," Zagreus lets out.

"Yeah, don't think that makes us friends. If it wasn't for Noor, I would have thrown you overboard."

Marc then walks forward, and throws a punch into the first sand-zombie he sees. Zagreus hums. "Good talk."

He takes on two of the creatures, throwing his fist into the face of the first one, only to see it crumble in sand and not even register the blow. Well, that's going to be just great.

Noor turns to see Marc getting dragged by his opponent towards the railing, until half his body is outside of the boat. "Do something!" she cries out at anyone who would hear.

When looking back at Zagreus, she sees him getting held down by two of them. "I'm trying!"

Okay, well, brains over muscles. She has to think fast. She stands up, almost knocking her head on the stern, before realisation dawns on her. "Steven, help me."

They push as hard as they can the stern to the left, until the boat takes such a sharp turn that Marc's opponents are thrown to the floor, rolling down all the way to the other side of the boat.

There's no time to rejoice, as the sand-zombies immediately recover, one of them sending a bat flying into Marc's head.

Steven gasps. Noor sees red.

Before Zagreus can tell her to stay safe, she jumps on the deck, and sprints straight into the guy with a yell. He collides against the wall, crumbling into grains of sand.

Something starts pulling at her hair, harshly tugging her to the ground, and dragging her across the floor, until she feels herself lifted and hoisted seconds away from a free fall in the sand.

Steven's heart drops and without thinking, he follows in her footsteps, tackling the one holding Zagreus, grabbing the baseball bat, and swinging it at the two about to throw his soulmate overboard.

They crumble into sand, and Noor drops to the ground, out of breath. "Six!" Noor just stares up at him. "Oh, you know I love cricket."

He helps her up, before making sure that she is safe. All the way across the boat, Marc gives him a hesitant thumbs up.

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