Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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Enjoy the sequel!- Author

New Characters In This Chapter:

Y/N L/N:
Age: 25 (Late Birthday: October 15th)
Occupation: Herbologist
Relationship Status: Taken; Boyfriend: Tom Riddle

Tom Riddle:
Age: 25 (Late Birthday: December 31st)
Occupation: Auror
Relationship Status: Taken; Girlfriend: Y/N L/N

Carter Lestrange:
Age: 26 (Birthday: March 25th)
Occupation: Auror
Relationship Status: Taken; Fiancée: Amelia Whittle

Abraxas Malfoy:
Age: 26 (Birthday: January 18th)
Occupation: Senior Auror
Relationship Status: Taken; Wife: Molly Pummel

Harriet Longbottom:
Age: 18 (Birthday: April 8th)
Occupation: Assistant/Student
Relationship Status: Single

August 20th, 1952 (7 years after graduation)

Tom's POV:
I was chasing a dark wizard down the alleyway. I held the fedora hat on my head, so it doesn't fall off. I then trapped them in a corner.

"Stupefy!" I yelled, the dark wizard then flew to the wall and went unconscious

"Good job, Riddle," Carter tells me as he appears from behind me

"Thanks," I then picked the dark wizard up and apparated him to the Ministry of Magic, where there were other people ready to transport him to Azkaban

I adjusted my hat and bid Carter goodbye and I headed back to my desk, I saw all of the unfinished paperwork on my table. I sighed, tossed my hat onto the desk, and sat on the chair.

"Why the long face, Riddle?" I hear someone say, I turned around and saw Abraxas Malfoy, Senior Auror

"Nothing, Malfoy. Just tired," I tell him "Is there something you want from me?"

"I would like to invite you to the Malfoy Banquet next week," he tells me, he then pulls out an invitation from thin air

"Thank you..." I told him, I wasn't that excited, he was about to walk away, but it seemed that he forgot to mention something. He then turned around

"Oh! And of course, you can bring your lovely girlfriend. How is L/N doing?" he asks

Y/N's POV:
"That is an interesting specimen of gillyweed," I said emerging from the water of the Mediterranean Sea, I then placed it into a glass jar and sealed it "How many more gillyweeds do we need, Harriet?"

"5 more, Ms. L/N!" Harriet tells me as she places the glass jar in the bag, I push my wet hair out of my face, Harriet was my student, she recently graduated from Hogwarts and wanted to study under me

I then jumped back into the water and swam around to find more gillyweeds. After collecting the right amount of gillyweeds, Harriet and I apparated back to Tom's and my townhouse in London. I went down to the basement which contained a much larger room with plant specimens. 

"That is all Harriet, you can go home," I tell her, she nods her left through the front door, I hear chattering upstairs, and a pair of footsteps came walking down the stairs, it was Tom

"Tom!" I said rushing towards him, he then picked me up happily and twirled me around

"What are you doing in your bathing suit?" he asks me

"I was swimming in the Mediterranean Sea finding gillyweed," I tell him "I'll change out of it after I place the gillyweeds in the saltwater pond,"

Tom then hugged me from behind and placed his head on the crook of my neck.

"Can we eat dinner first?" he asks "I've had a long day at work,"

"Of course," I tell him, I then swished my wand and I was in a dress, we then walked upstairs and Tom sat on a chair as I made dinner

"So how was your day?" I asked Tom, as I swished my wand to open the cupboards and grabbed a box of pasta, I swished my wand again and picked some tomatoes from the garden

"It was exhausting," he tells me "I caught this dark wizard that was running around the city. I can't believe that Grindlewald still has followers. And then I had to do a lot of paperwork. Oh! And Malfoy invited us to his annual banquet,"

"Oh?" I said boiling the pasta in hot water and mixing the smashed tomatoes in the pan "When is that?"

"The 30th..." he says, after everything was cooked I placed them onto plates and carried them over to our small wooden table "Are you available on that day?"

"I believe so..." I said walking towards the paper calendar "Yup, I'm free on that day. Oh! And remember that my book launch party is in two days. I would love for you to come,"

"Of course, where is it again?" he asks eating the spaghetti that I made

"Flourish and Blotts," I tell him as I sit down and eat with him

"I read your book, A Guide to the Herbs and Plants of Asia. It's nice to learn about other plants than just Europe," he says eating the last strand of spaghetti "What countries have you gone to again?"

"Japan, China, Indonesia, India, Thailand," I tell him, I swished my wand again and placed both of our plates in the sink to wash "Oh right. I forgot something!"

I returned to the calendar and saw the date, August 25th, when Carter and Amelia were getting married. Carter and Amelia were engaged a couple of months ago and she asked me to be her maid of honor. And Carter asked Tom to be his best man.

"Remember that it is going to be Carter and Amelia's wedding on the 25th!" I said excitedly, I then rushed upstairs and saw the bridesmaid dress that I was going to wear, it was a light pink midi-dress with shoulder straps 

"Carter asked me after work if we wanted to have dinner with them tomorrow night. Are you available?" he asks following me up the stairs, I thought for a long moment

"I am," I tell him as I admire the pink dress, Tom then comes from behind hugs me, and kisses me on the neck "Now I feel like I'm forgetting about something..."

"I don't think there is anything else..." he tells me, as he continues to kiss me "C'mon let's go wash up..."

"Oh wait! My gillyweed! I need to transfer them before they die!" I then quickly rushed down the stairs and to the basement

Tom's POV:
She left me completely speechless as she ran down the stairs in a panic. I flopped onto the bed and chuckled to myself. She's so adorable. I then turned around and saw the picture frame of Y/N and me graduating from Hogwarts. She was holding the bouquet of hydrangeas that I gave her and I was kissing her on the cheek. 

Sunflower | Tom Riddle x Fem-Reader | SequelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ