Chapter 209: Since They Love Me

Start from the beginning

     But then that first noise broke loose, and then she smiled so hard she couldn't see anything, and then she was bent over on the top of the tower trying not to loose her witch-like white hat held up only by her ears on either side that kept it from slipping further down her head.

     And then it was just full-out gut-busting laughter.

     I didn't even have it in me to be upset. Maybe she was just crazy on a normal basis. I'd never met her, didn't know anything about her, or hear anything. She was just the headmaster of where my siblings went to school, and the person who set up the situation I was in that I'd have to spend at least a year of my life at that school for. She was someone I only knew existed because I sought her out at that specific moment, and would've never cared otherwise.

     So I gave that Elf the benefit of the doubt, but she just kept on until I couldn't-


     My fingers snapped, and she was floating in the air above the ledge of the tower she'd stood upon. Unperturbed, honestly, but she was long-lived. With that personality, probably prone to upsetting people too. Used to it, basically.


     "I'm sorry! I'm sorry. I just can''re so cute! I wasn't expecting this, really...especially after your last..."

     Finally, the Elf sobered up enough after drifting her out a bit from the tower. She didn't care at all that it was a straight drop from there to nothing but empty ground, and that I was very much willing to let her experience the wind a little bit beneath that violet hair of hers. And, underneath those long ears that definitely felt weird with wind in them. Again, I didn't take an Elf form very often, and didn't really visit Peoni enough to have a set identity for there. I didn't know.

     "Hah..." she sighed, rolling her neck with a hand on it, opening eyes to look back over at me. With my scarf pulled up to over my nose, just dead eyes stared back. "Okay, I'm ready. Ask me anything."



     But she stayed there, still smiling, still waiting.

     So my frown got even deeper.






     " can ask me things now?"

     "...are you sane?"

     "Yes, I believe so," the Elf answered with another winning smile. Blue eyes like the glass chimes of that tower, with all of that moonlight sprinkling through, stared back at me. They were so clear I was almost unnerved. It was like she saw everything...true windows to a true soul. "It's been a while since I laughed that hard, really. I don't break into such laughter often. Maybe...a thousand times every hundred years or so? It's not a linear timeline, so I can't really be sure..."

     This...she's crazy.

     "What do you want from me?"

     "Oh, nothing much."

     "What is the 'much' then? Since it's not just 'nothing.'"

     "People don't often engage in philanthropy when they can and should." Those eyes, so beautiful, were becoming annoying. They saw too much, it felt like, and I was glaring back at them. "I merely gave you the opportunity when you were most free, and most likely to pass it up regardless of that extra free time you'd have on your hands."

A Tale of One Deviant (Book 2) (Technically Hiatus, but kind of not)Where stories live. Discover now