Start from the beginning

" Jesus, Sadie, no need to go all 'Rocky Balboa' on me." Stevie laughed, " If it's that important to you, I'll go."

"Good." Sadie huffed and brushed a strand of hair that had fallen from her Bobby pins, " Bring some study material with you, it's a long flight. I'm going to finish packing, you should too."

As Sadie left the room, Stevie turned towards her mother, " I think she might be going crazy."

" I think she's just very passionate."

    Stevie woke up from her nap to the cabin lights on and her younger sister violently shaking her, she had a headache, felt disgusting and could barely hear as her ears hadn't popped during the descent. On top of that, her breath tasted horrible, she could only imagine what it smelled like.

" Stevie , we're about to get off the plane!" Simone pointed out.

"I can see that." She groaned, tugging her blanket off her lap and the pillow from around her neck, " Do you need me to get your carry on?"

" yes, please!"

"Okay, give me a second." She plugged her nose and blew as hard as she could, letting out a hiss as the pressure in her ears finally disappeared.

    With everything squared away, the Wright family  found themselves in a cab, headed towards their hotel for the week. Stevie couldn't wait to get into her room and take a long, hot shower.

Stevie didn't expect her mother to have them dropped off on the curb outside a dingy bar, and she definitely didn't expect them to be staying there.

"Mom, are we in the right place?" Stevie asked, looking around the dark bar and making awkward eye contact with one of its patrons, she looked away quickly and at her mom who was now talking to the bartender.

"Thank you.." Mari said to him before turning to her daughter, " Of course we are, Stevie, I spent some of my best years in this very place, now come on let's get you all settled."

Stevie glanced at her sister who held a disgusted look on her face as she watched two rats scamper across the wooden floors and behind a set of stairs. She looked up at her and the two shared a grimace.

The inn part of the Leaky Cauldron was rather empty, most of the doors hung open and their rooms vacant. Mari led the family to the end of the hall, the wood creaking as they rolled their suitcases across it. She came to a stop in the middle of two doors, one housing a single king-sized bed and the other, two queens.

"Alright, my loves, this one is obviously for your father and I," Mari smiled at her husband, who returned it, " And you all will be sharing this one for the week, now get some sleep, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

At that, Mari and Stewart Wright lugged their suitcases into their rooms and closed the door behind them with a thud. Leaving their three children to their own devices.

"Well, I don't know about you all but I'm in desperate need of a shower." Sadie spoke up, walking into the room.

" Wait," Stevie called out, following behind her, " I told you in the cab that I needed to shower, so I call first shower."

" You're too slow, Stevie," Sadie had already thrown her bags onto the bed and was standing in the doorway of the bathroom," I'm already in here." And closed the door.

" I hate you!" Stevie yelled as she propped her bag up against the wall.

" No, you don't!"

  Stevie never made it to the shower until the next morning, as soon as her head hit the, surprisingly comfortable, pillow, she was fast asleep. Only waking up when her sister did because she felt her shift on her side of the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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SCARLET HAZE ; george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now