"I'll let you get the first shot, Zabini. After all, you have the biggest crush on my girl. Do it. Hex me." He mocked. The tension shared by the boys was too high for anyone to pay me any attention. This was no longer about me. It was about asserting dominance over one another.

I flickered my eyes around the room, and the one that captivated me for a moment was the blonde that glanced back at me for a fraction of a second before he glared at Graham once more. Nothing made me feel worse than seeing that looming boy with the dangerous Mark burned into his forearm look worried in this scenario— even if I had only seen his eyes for the shortest time.

"Graham, please don't." I begged frantically. I had finally come back to Earth from falling into the sterling pools of Malfoy's eyes.

"Shut the fuck up." He glanced back at me, and I shivered from his tone. I stumbled past the blonde next to me and tried getting closer to the boy I thought I loved— that I knew I loved. "You don't even deserve the right to say my name right now. Bloody witch." He spat at me.

I held my breath and froze when he pointed his wand at me. I knew what he was capable of doing with his magic, and I feared he would finally do something that he couldn't apologize for.

"Baby, you're scaring me." My stiff body barely whispered, staring at the tip of his wand.

"Don't 'baby' me. I do everything for you, Rain. I give you a life that you never had; saved you from the shit hole you were trapped in. All the shit I do— and you pick Zabini every time." He narrowed his eyes at me. "Except now it seems that Malfoy's in the mix, too. Or Nott-"

"Montague, it's the middle of the night. Everyone's tired." Draco interrupted him as his grey eyes stayed on the wand that was just a few inches from my chest. "Let's just call it-"

"No! I'm sick and tired of Zabini meddling in things that don't involve him. I'm sick of you and Nott looking for reasons to beat on me for sport-"

"They just wanted to help-"

"Don't you dare take their sides, Rain." He cut me off sternly. "You know better than to go against me."

"That's the fucking problem!" Theodore laughed from the bottom of the steps. "The poor girl doesn't even get a life without you threatening her every thought or action! She just admitted you scare her, and you didn't even bat an eye!" His jaw clenched.

"That's what all of this bickering is about, Graham! We only have it out for you because you're a lousy piece of shit, and no one deserves what you do to her!" Theo told him bluntly. "I saw what my dad did to my mother! And guess what?! She's not fucking here anymore!" He screamed across the common room as he stepped into the conversation. Such anger had never come from Theo, but for once he reflected the Slytherin boys he ran around with.

"So what?" Graham challenged him. "I'm not allowed to do what all of the men around us have done to the women they're with for years?" He asked dryly.

"No, because you should see how damaging it is! You should see what it's doing to her!" Blaise intervened. "Why would you want that?!" He asked bitterly.

"Because that's how this works! That's how it's always worked!" Graham snapped at them. "I want to be respected like those men! I want to be like those men! I want to be feared, and Marked, and superior!" The veins in his neck flexed while he tightened his grasp on his wand. The tip of it still pointed towards me, and I couldn't pull my eyes from it.

"Hurting a girl who is skin and bones and has nothing left to give is not respectable." Blaise shook his head.

"Montague. Put the wand down." Draco inserted himself again, but Graham ignored his order.

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