He turned fully to her then, pulling her forward until she was settling on his lap. Leaning down, he kissed her lips. "And you're my wife."

She returned his kiss, trembling with ecstasy as he claimed her as his wife again that evening; his grip possessive, yet gentle; his scent overpowering, yet intoxicating; his kisses sweet, only souring at the thought of being apart from him for a while.

A few weeks, she reminded herself as he pulled her down on top of him and held her firmly in his arms. A few weeks before she would be in his arms again. Surely she could survive a few weeks without him...


Noah sat in a chaise across from Lord Hawkins, staring into the older gentleman's unblinking gray eyes, that was reddened by his unspoken rage. It was clear from the frown that creased Lord Hawkins' face that Lady Penelope had indeed kept to her word to relay the news of their broken engagement to her father, and from the way he clung to his glass of scotch, Noah knew he was fighting the urge to hurl it across the room at him.

"Whose decision was this?" Lord Hawkins spoke for the first time that evening.

"Mine!" Penelope answered, causing the words to die on Noah's lips. He turned to her, shocked. But she kept her head down and her hands clasped on her knees.

"Is that so, Camden?" He arched a bushy brow.

Noah thought of telling the truth, but he decided against it. He didn't wish for Lady Penelope to appear as a liar before her father. "Indeed, my lord."

He heaved a loud breath, the frown on his face easing as he relaxed back against his chair. "Then this conversation is of no consequence," he said, raising his glass to his lips and taking a sip.

"What do you mean?" It appeared to Noah that he was taking the news quite well—too well.

"A date shall be decided upon."

"Of course. We must decide on the perfect time to break the news of our broken engagement to the rest of the world. While I dread it—"

"—I was speaking about a date for the wedding. I suggest it's done before the end of the month." He smiled.

"What?!" Stunned, he sat gawking at the older man. Did he not just hear what was said?

"I do not wish to marry him, Father," Penelope called.

"Nor do I wish for your input," Lord Hawkins remarked, not bothering to spare her a glance. He instead kept his gaze on Noah, a broad smile plastered on his face. Yet, Noah could tell from the bulging muscle in the man's jaw that he was gritting his teeth; fighting his rage.

Lady Penelope sprang to her feet, anger creasing her brows as she fisted her fingers. "I shall not be forced into a marriage I do not wish for! You shall not force me into this; you shall not ruin my life—not again, Father!"

His anger won over, propelling him to his feet as he turned to face his daughter. "You ruined your own life when you decided to go against my wishes!" he barked, causing Penelope to shrink back.

Deciding he had seen enough, Noah rose to his feet as well. "It was my decision," he confessed, drawing the attention of the room to himself. He would take responsibility for his own stupidity. "It was a mistake to ask her to marry me in the first place, and I'm sorry. I shall not let Lady Penelope be blamed for something I did."

His gray mustache swallowed his lips as he stared at Noah. "You mustn't—"

"Please, my lord. Allow me to compensate you for your troubles, and when an announcement is made, I shall take full responsibility for this."

Silence filled the room, one that caused Noah to tremble slightly with shame. He blamed himself for the pain he saw in the older man's eyes—he blamed himself for the shame Lady Penelope was going to bear the second the news got out.

Perhaps he should never have asked for her hand in marriage. What was worse than his proposal was his decision to call it off, and while he regretted his action, he knew there was nothing to be done about it; the past was in the past and his marriage to Bea barred him from further marriage to another woman.

"I—" Noah began.

"It is enough!" He raised a hand, silencing Noah. "I have seen enough." He turned to Lady Penelope, who shrank back the second his gaze settled on her once more. "Pack your bags. You leave for France tomorrow. You shall live as you please, and I shall bear no part in your shame."

Turning around, he made his way out of the room. Noah watched him disappear through the doors before turning back to Lady Penelope.

"My lady—" he began, but she shook her head, silencing him as she collapsed into her seat.

"It is as it was fated to be. It is a small price to pay for what I did," she whimpered, tears streaming down her face.

"I shall speak to your father," he said, trying to ease her pain.

"Your speech shall prove useless."

"It is my fault; I shall fix it as best as I can," he tried again, desperate.

"This is not about you, my lord. It has nothing to do with you."

"I'm the one who broke off our engagement." He touched her arm.

"And I'm the one who fornicated with a married man," she hissed, shrugging him off.

"What?!" he gasped, stunned.

She nodded. "Banishment to France shall be a small price to pay for my many sins against God, against Father," she raised her teary gaze to him, "and against your beloved, Lady Atkins."

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