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"FAYE, YOU MADE IT!" SUSAN SHOUTS OVER THE LOUD MUSIC, "look how good you look! Ali and Barb showed up twenty minutes ago while none of the boys are here yet." She says with furrowed eyebrows as she grabbed the girls wrist leading her over to the other two who both held red plastic cups.

Faye smiles anxiously as she glances around the busy house, and suddenly meets eyes with two of their friends who shout out her name with a laugh. "You made it!" Ali says while Barbra called out, "didn't think you'd show!"

"Yeah, I'm here." She says with jazz hands before looking at the cups, "I'll take some of whatever that is." She says, Barb ends up handing her one.

"It's pink juice," the girl said plainly, Faye was dumbfounded. She looked at Ali who shrugged nonchalantly, she glanced at Susan who took shots of whatever it was with other people.

"Alright," she says nervously before bringing it up to her lips. Whatever it was tasted good, but gave her a sore throat. She coughed a little before getting the hang of it, drinking alcohol didn't seem as bad as she thought. "It's pretty good."

"Try this," Susan handed her another cup. "We call it green juice." Faye could tell her friends were already a little tipsy, though Ali was still herself.

"I don't have a clue what these are." But Faye shrugs and finishes the 'pink juice' before moving onto the 'green juice.' The juice tasted like lemon and lime lemonade, but the achy throat feeling was still there. She gave Ali a questioning look.

"The first one was pink gin and lemonade while the other is lemon and lime gin with lemonade. Good, right?" She asks sending a small smirk to the girl who nods her head.

"Alright, it isn't as bad as I thought, I was wrong and you guys were right, again." Rolling her eyes, Faye grabs another pink gin, "I like this stuff better."

"Try the vodka and lemonade." Ali says handing her the cup she was drinking from, "if you don't like it hand it back." The girl chuckles.

Faye groans as she took a sip, she made a face to her friend who burst out laughing. "No, no thanks, here have it back." She thrust it back into the blonde's hands before a random girl joined in on letting her try drinks.

"It's beer," the girl with green highlights said as she sauntered up to Susan who watched, both of the girls seemed close.

Faye took a sniff and made another face, but once she took a sip of it, it was alright. But she mostly preferred the pink gin, she grins at the girls before grabbing two more 'pink juices.' As she drank she noticed Susan and the girl closing in on each other, she watched them give each other a quick peck on the lips, she looked a little shocked but she wasn't disgusted by it. She made eye contact with Susan who gazed at her stunned, she quickly looked away from the girl and grabbed the green highlighted haired girl before disappearing quickly into the crowd. Faye frowns, did Susan think she was disgusted?

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