Chapter 14 - The One Piece, Of The Demon Sword, Is Real

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"We got the Milf over there to thank for that." Malina said, pointing to Baphomet who was just sitting back while Krampus just played with Legos.

"You're welcome. And I thank you all for allowing me to stay here with Krampus. Taker may be a horrible influence, but Krampus seems to like him." Baphomet said, sitting up and snapping her fingers. A goat man appeared and opened a case filled with money. "Now who wants to make the trip down to the liquor store?"

Malina immediately raised her hand.

"I'll do it!"

However, just as she said that the most unexpected thing happened.

They heard a loud explosion that sounded like it came from outside.

"I swear to fuck if those idiots are getting into more stupid fights I'm gonna-" Judgement was cut off when the front door and a good part of the wall around it was blown to pieces.

The smoke from the explosion cleared and they were able to see who it was.

"Terribly sorry to interrupt your evening, but is Zane here? And don't lie to me."

Vali stood at the hole where the door was, his same white armour on and in his hands was a sword that looked strange.

Everyone could feel the demonic energy coming off of it.

"Is that..." Azazel looked to Beel.

"That... is one of the seven pieces of the Demon Sword. I suppose we have you to blame for it suddenly disappearing?" Beel guessed. "How did you even get down to Hell?"

"Oh it was not me who retrieved it, that would be a colleague of mine. However, that is not important, what is important is-"

Vali was suddenly sent flying in the distance.

Judgement was back into what she usually wears as uniform for the position of High Prosecutor.

She looked excited.


She took off immediately towards where she sent him.

When she was gone, Beel spoke up.

"Well there is Lucy and Baphomet, though you don't really fight much at all, do you." Beel looked at Baphomet.

"No. I haven't lifted a finger to fight in years. Why do it yourself when you can pay someone to do it?"

"She makes a good point. Now who's goin to watch? I am." Zdrada said, already out the door.

They all decided to follow to see how the fight would go.
Vali flew towards an empty field outside of town. He landed on his feet, sliding back a bit and looking up to see Judgement arrive to where he landed.

He wiped his lip.

"Not bad for a Demon." He commented.

Judgement laughed.

"Hahaha! You idiots up here on the surface know nothing of what a Demon is!" She grew a sinister smile. "YOU'LL SOON LEARN WHAT A REAL DEMON IS CAPABLE OF!"

Vali sighed.

"I suppose this will do. I could use a warm up for when Zane gets here. I'm sure he'll be here soon when I make his precious Demon scream."

Vali immediately shot forward ready to swing at her. Judgement met him half way, stopping the blade with her hands. The only reason she can do that is because of her metal glove claws.

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