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What's to do with that world?
How's to live in that world?

Everyone's lonely in the sea of beings,
broken hearts and devastating feelings.

What's to do with that world?

You feel afraid and lost.
We refuse to pay the cost.

How's to live in that world?

She's so torn inside,
We refuse to give her light.

What's to do with that world?

He left his home,
We make him die on his own.

How's to live in that world?

I wish for a hand to hold
and an ear to listen,
a shoulder to cry on,
peaceful living 'til I'm old.

What's to do with that world?

Can you feel how it starts to rot,
suffering, the disease is odd.

How's to live in that world?

Failed has the We,
but of course, words give life to thee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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